Computer Science Department, School of Informatics,
Community Grids Lab (CGL), Pervasive Technology Labs (PTL),
Indiana University, Bloomington (IUB).
  • [21] Mehmet S. Aktas, Semantic-enabled Metadata Discovery, ICICIS 2009, Cairo, Egypt, 2009
  • [20] Mehmet S. Aktas, Service Oriented Architecture based Systems - SERVOGrid: e-Science for Earthquake Forecasting, Engineering Faculty, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey, Oct 2007
  • [19] Mehmet S. Aktas, Information Federation in Grid Information Services, PhD Presentation at Computer Science Department of Indiana University Bloomington, May 3 2007
  • [18] Mehmet S. Aktas, Managing Metadata in Service Architectures, Research Presentation at Indiana University Bloomington, March 23 2007
  • [17] M. Pierce, A. Sayar, G. Aydin, Mehmet S. Aktas, et al., QuakeSim Work: Web Services, Portlets, Real Time Data Services, NASA HQ Project Review, Washington DC November 21 2006
  • [16] M. Pierce, A. Sayar, G. Aydin, Mehmet S. Aktas et al., Integrating Geographical Information Systems and Grid Applications, Booth Presentation at SC06 Tampa Florida, November 12-17 2006
  • [15] M. Pierce, Y. Gong, A. Sayar, G. Aydin, Mehmet S. Aktas et al., Integrating Geographical Information Systems and Grid Applications, AIST Project Meeting JPL, Pasadena, California, October 4 2006
  • [14] M. Pierce, A. Sayar, G. Aydin, Mehmet S. Aktas et al., Integrating Geographical Information Systems and Grid Applications, MOSES Project Meeting Scripps San Diego September 19-20 2006
  • [13] Mehmet S. Aktas et al., XML Metadata Services, Research Presentation at SKG2006 International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid Guilin, China Nov. 06
  • [12] M. Pierce, A. Sayar, G. Aydin, Mehmet S. Aktas, and H. Gadgil, Integrating Geographical Information Systems and Grid Applications, 5th ACES International Workshop Maui Prince Hotel, Island of Maui, Hawaii April 4-6 2006
  • [11] Mehmet S. Aktas et al., Information Services for Dynamically Assembled Semantic Grids, Research Presentation at SKG2005 International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China Nov. 05
  • [10] M. Nacar, Mehmet S. Aktas et al., VLab: Collaborative Grid Services and Portals to Support Computational Material Science, at GCE'05 Workshop on Grid Computing. Seattle, WA. November 18 2005
  • [9] Mehmet S. Aktas et al., Developing GIS Services, Decision Applications Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos Summer 2005
  • [8] Mehmet S. Aktas et al., Managing Dynamic Metadata as Context, The 2005 Istanbul International Computational Science and Engineering Conference (ICCSE2005), June 27-30 2005, Turkey
  • [7] Mehmet S. Aktas. Conversational Case Base Recommender Systems, Systems Seminar, Computer Science Department Indiana University, 2005.
  • [6] Mehmet S. Aktas. Conversational Case Base Recommender Systems for Metadata Discovery. Grid2004 Workshop at SC2004 Pittsburgh, 2004 .
  • [5] Mehmet S. Aktas. Personalizing PageRank Scores, 6th SIGKDD Workshop on Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis, WebKDD 2004 Seattle, WA., 2004.
  • [4] Mehmet S. Aktas, Marlon Pierce. Tutorial on Web Services for Grids, 2004 Grid Summer School at Vico Equense near Naples Italy.
  • [3] Mehmet S. Aktas. Semantic Web and RDF Ontologies, Laboratory for Advanced Information and Technology Standards Laboratory at George Mason University, October 20, 2003
  • [2] Mehmet S. Aktas. Semantic Web and Case Based Reasoning, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, Los Angelos, June 18 2003.
  • [1] Mehmet S. Aktas. Grid Event Services Systems, Seminar, Computer Science Department Indiana University, Fall 2002.

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Mehmet S. Aktas