Research Topics

Please see through the following topics.

Largely Informatics

Center for Applied Cyber security Research (Cate, Connelly, Camp)

Center for Security Informatics (Wang, Myers, Gupta, Hill, Camp, Kapadia)

Bioinformatics (Kim, Dalkilic, Hahn, Radivojac, Tang, Ye)

Chemical Informatics (Wild, Fox)

Health Informatics (Shankar, Vespignani, Hakken, Connelly)

Music Informatics (Raphael)

Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research (Vespignani, Menczer, Bollen, Paolillo, Yaeger, Rocha, Todd, Flammini, Beer, Scheutz, Borner)

Social Informatics (Hakken, Medina, Shankar, Sebanovic, Paolillo, Camp, Ekbia)

Human Computer Interaction Design (Blevis, Stolterman, Bardzell, Bardzell, Siegel, Connelly)

Largely Applied Computer Science

Cyberinfrastructure and High Performance Computing (Fox, Lumsdaine, Plale, Gannon, Bramley, Chauhan, Schnabel)

Data, Databases and Search (Menczer, Shankar, Rocha, Leake, Stolterman, Groth, Plale, Van Gucht, Wu, Brown, Dalkilic, Gannon, Gupta, Kim, Leake)

Image Processing (Crandall)
David Crandall

Ubiquitous Computing (Hill, Connelly, Fox)

Robotics (Beer, Hauser, Scheutz, Sebanovic, Johnson, Mills)
Human-Robot Interaction Laboratory
Brain-Body-Environment Systems IGERT Kris Hauser Homepage 

Visualization and Computer Graphics (Groth, Hanson, Wernert, Borner)
Advanced Visualization Lab
Information Visualization Laboratory
Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center

Largely Core Computer Science

Computer Architecture (Brown, Johnson, Mills)

Computer Networking  (Gupta, Kapadia, Plale)

Programming Languages and Compilers (Wise, Rawlins, Dybvig, Ahmed, Friedman, Johnson, Lumsdaine, Sabry, Haynes, Chauhan)

Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life and Cognitive Science (Leake, Hofstadter, Gasser, Yaeger, Rocha, Menczer, Todd, Beer, Scheutz, Hauser, Hanson, Yu)

Computation Theory and Logic (Myers, Van Gucht, Leivant, Purdom, Haghverdi, Dunn, Sabry)

Quantum Computing (Sabry, Dunn, Ortiz)