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[Loffler:2011:UTT:2016741.2016800] Löffler, F., G. Allen, W. Benger, A. Hutanu, S. Jha, and E. Schnetter, "Using the TeraGrid to teach scientific computing", Proceedings of the 2011 TeraGrid Conference: Extreme Digital Discovery, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 55:1–55:7, 07/2011.
[Loffler:2011:UTT:2016741.2016800] Löffler, F., G. Allen, W. Benger, A. Hutanu, S. Jha, and E. Schnetter, "Using the TeraGrid to teach scientific computing", Proceedings of the 2011 TeraGrid Conference: Extreme Digital Discovery, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 55:1–55:7, 2011. Abstract
[fg-2082] Parashar, M., and M. AbdelBaky, "Federating HPC, Cyberinfrastructure and Clouds using CometCloud", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, Rutgers University, 07/2012.  Download: 1.introduction.pdf (1.51 MB); 2.cometcloud.masterworker.pdf (960.79 KB); 3.hands_on.pdf (455.36 KB); 4.cometcloud.mapreduce.pdf (648.24 KB); comet.xml (1.05 KB); CometCloud developer guide.pdf (129.23 KB); CometCloud installation guide-matrixmultiplication.pdf (137.91 KB); CometCloud installation guide-sample.pdf (121.87 KB)
[fg-2300] Altintas, I., and J. Wang, Distributed Execution of Kepler Scientific Workflow on Future Grid, ,, 2010.
[fg-2820] Smith, W., and S. Smallen, "Building an Information System for a Distributed Testbed", the 2014 Annual ConferenceProceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment - XSEDE '14, Atlanta, GA, USANew York, New York, USA, ACM Press, pp. 1 - 8, 2014.