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[fg-1362] Farfán Estrada, I., "Overview of a virtual cluster using OpenNebula and SLURM", Indiana booth presentation at Supercomputing 2011, Seattle, WA, 11/2011. Abstract  Download: one-slurm.pdf (480.76 KB)
[fg-2085] Figueiredo, R., "Cloud Technology: Virtual Private Clusters: Virtual Appliances and Networks in the Cloud", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, University of Florida, 07/2012.  Download: cloud-summer-school12-figueiredo.ppt (1.41 MB)
[fg-2395] Figueiredo, R., Peer-to-peer Virtual Private Networks and Applications, , Grid'5000 Summer School, Nantes, France, 12/2012.  Download: grid5k-nantes-rf.pdf (1.35 MB)
[fg-2535] Figueiredo, R., Panel on Clouds, , CCGrid 2013 Delft, The Netherlands, May 2013.
[fg-1042] Fox, G., FutureGrid Overview, , Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) Annual Program Year, Workshop for High Performance Computing and Emerging Architectures, University of Minneapolis, 01/2011.
[fg-635] Fox, G. C., FutureGrid: Supporting Next Generation Cyberinfrastructure , , VTDC10 - 4th International Workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing at HPDC: Chicago, IL USA, 06/2010.
[fg-1039] Fox, G., SOIC Lightning, , Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing , 02/2011.
[fg-629] Fox, G. C., Research in Grids and Clouds and FutureGrid, , Melbourne University Seminar, 09/2010.
[fg-654] Fox, G. C., PolarGrid and FutureGrid Panel Presentation, , Indiana State IT Meeting at the IUPUI Conference Center: Indianapolis, IN USA, 10/2009.
[fg-2066] Fox, G., "Infrastructure Used: FutureGrid", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, Indiana University, 07/2012.
[fg-625] Fox, G. C., M. Pierce, J. Wang, Y. Ma, J. Ji, and X. Gao, QuakeSim Science Gateway: ACES Update, , 7th Aces International Workshop OTARU, 10/2010.
[fg-1242] Fox, G. C., G. von Laszewski, R. Figueiredo, K. Keaheay, and A. J. Younge, Overview of FutureGrid, , Salt Lake City, UT, TeraGrid 11 Conference, 07/2011.  Download: 001-fg-tg11.pptx (16.9 MB)
[fg-2584] Fox, G., Remarks on MOOC's: Open Grid Forum BOF, , XSEDE13, San Diego, CA, 7/24/2013.  Download: OGFMOOC-July24-2013.pptx (4.4 MB)
[fg-1043] Fox, G., Implications of Clouds for eScience and CReSIS , , CReSIS Center at University of Kansas Lawrence , 01/2011.
[fg-636] Fox, G. C., FutureGrid Presentation, , TeraGrid Science Advisory Board Meeting: San Diego, CA USA, 07/2010.
[fg-1038] Fox, G., FutureGrid Poster, , The Science of Cloud Computing Workshop, Washington D.C., 03/2011.
[fg-631] Fox, G., FutureGrid Summary, , TG'10 TeraGrid Users Meeting, 08/2010.
[fg-1041] Fox, G., Clouds, Grids, Clusters and FutureGrid, , IUPUI Computer Science Department Seminar, 02/2011.
[fg-627] Fox, G., MPI and MapReduce, , Clusters, Clouds, and Grids for Scientific Computing: Flat Rock, NC, 09/2010.
[fg-2034] Fox, G., G. von Laszewski, J. Diaz, K. Keahey, J. Fortes, R. Figueiredo, S. Smallen, W. Smith, and A. Grimshaw, "FutureGrid - a reconfigurable testbed for Cloud, HPC, and Grid Computing", Contemporary High Performance Computing: From Petascale toward Exascale: Chapman & Hall, 04/2013.  Download: vonLaszewski-fg-bookchapter.pdf (1.6 MB)
[fg-649] Fox, G. C., FutureGrid Overview, , Cloud Computing and its Applications (CCA-09) Workshop at the Marriott Medical Center: Chicago, IL USA, 10/2009.
[fg-1241] Fox, G. C., G. von Laszewski, and R. Fugueirdo, Overview of FutureGrid, , Salt Lake City, UT, Open Grid Forum 32, 07/2011.  Download: 001-fg-overview-ogf-32.pptx (5.96 MB); 002-fg-software-ogf-32.pptx (8.5 MB); 003-fg-appliance-ogf-32.ppt (1.98 MB)
[fg-643] Fox, G. C., FutureGrid Cloud Technologies and Bioinformatics Applications Keynote Speech, , First International Conference on Cloud Computing: Beijing Jiaotong University, 12/2009.
[fg-51] Fox, G. C., W. Smith, A. Grimshaw, J. Fortes, K. Keahey, and G. von Laszewski, Rain: Dynamically Provisioning Clouds within FutureGrid, , vol. Supercomputing 2010, Conference Poster, New Orleans, LA, IEEE, 11/2010.
[fg-1037] Fox, G., FutureGrid Overview, , The Science of Cloud Computing Workshop, Washington D.C., 03/2011.
[fg-633] Fox, G. C., FutureGrid Early Projects, , User Advisory Board at TG'10, 08/2010.
[fg-1040] Fox, G., Overview of Cyberinfrastructure and the Breadth of Its Application, , MSI-CIEC Cyberinfrastructure Day at South Carolina State University, 03/2011.
[fg-628] Fox, G. C., Services, Security, and Privacy in Cloud Computing Panel , , IEEE HPCC-10 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications: Melbourne, AUS, 09/2010.
[fg-2064] Fox, G., "Introduction", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, Indiana University, 07/2012.
[fg-624] Fox, G. C., Cloud Architecture for Earthquake Science , , 7th Aces International Workshop OTARU, 10/2010.
[fg-651] Fox, G. C., Introduction , , FutureGrid All Hands Meeting at the IUPUI Conference Center: Indianapolis, IN USA, 10/2009.
[fg-644] Fox, G. C., FutureGrid Overview, , AIST Booth at SDSC 2009: Portland, OR USA, 11/2009.
[fg-641] Fox, G. C., FutureGrid and Applications, , Indiana University Innovation Center, 12/2009.
[fg-2266] Funika, W., and P. Koperek, "Scalable Resource Provisioning in the Cloud Using Business Metrics", Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences (ADVCOMP'2011), 20-25 November 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011, 2011.
[fg-2265] Funika, W., and P. Koperek, "Automatic Scaling in Cloud Computing Environments Based on Business Metrics", Conference on Parallel Programming and Applied Mathematics (PPAM'2011), 11-14 September 2011, Torun, Poland, LNCS, Springer, 2012 : NA, NA, 2011.