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[fg-2535] Figueiredo, R., Panel on Clouds, , CCGrid 2013 Delft, The Netherlands, May 2013.
[fg-2583] von Laszewski, G., and G. C. Fox, FutureGrid UAB Meeting, , XSEDE13 San Diego, CA, 7/24/2013.  Download: FG-XSEDE13-July24-2013.pptx (2.09 MB)
[fg-2584] Fox, G., Remarks on MOOC's: Open Grid Forum BOF, , XSEDE13, San Diego, CA, 7/24/2013.  Download: OGFMOOC-July24-2013.pptx (4.4 MB)
[fg-2034] Fox, G., G. von Laszewski, J. Diaz, K. Keahey, J. Fortes, R. Figueiredo, S. Smallen, W. Smith, and A. Grimshaw, "FutureGrid - a reconfigurable testbed for Cloud, HPC, and Grid Computing", Contemporary High Performance Computing: From Petascale toward Exascale: Chapman & Hall, 04/2013.  Download: vonLaszewski-fg-bookchapter.pdf (1.6 MB)
[fg-2208] Lee, K., T. Choi, P. O. Boykin, and R. J. Figueiredo, "MatchTree: Flexible, Scalable, and Fault-tolerant Wide-area Resource Discovery with Distributed Matchmaking and Aggregation", Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. to be published , issue to be published , to be published , 2012.
[fg-2395] Figueiredo, R., Peer-to-peer Virtual Private Networks and Applications, , Grid'5000 Summer School, Nantes, France, 12/2012.  Download: grid5k-nantes-rf.pdf (1.35 MB)
[fg-2045] von Laszewski, G., H. Lee, J. Diaz, F. Wang, K. Tanaka, S. Karavinkoppa, G. C. Fox, and T. Furlani, "Design of a Dynamic Provisioning System for a Federated Cloud and Bare-metal Environment", Workshop on Cloud Services, Federation, and the 8th Open Cirrus Summit, San Jose, CA, IEEE, 09/2012.  Download: vonLaszewski-federated-cloud-07-14-2012.pdf (1.06 MB)
[fg-2085] Figueiredo, R., "Cloud Technology: Virtual Private Clusters: Virtual Appliances and Networks in the Cloud", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, University of Florida, 07/2012.  Download: cloud-summer-school12-figueiredo.ppt (1.41 MB)
[fg-2066] Fox, G., "Infrastructure Used: FutureGrid", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, Indiana University, 07/2012.
[fg-2064] Fox, G., "Introduction", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, Indiana University, 07/2012.
[fg-1932] Diaz, J., G. von Laszewski, F. Wang, and G. Fox, "Abstract Image Management and Universal Image Registration for Cloud and HPC Infrastructures", IEEE CLOUD 2012, 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Honolulu, Hawaii, IEEE, 06/2012.  Download: jdiaz-IEEECloud2012_id-4656.pdf (555.62 KB); _ImageManagement_slides.ppt (4.12 MB)
[fg-1933] von Laszewski, G., J. Diaz, F. Wang, and G. Fox, "Comparison of Multiple Cloud Frameworks", IEEE CLOUD 2012, 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Honolulu, Hawaii, IEEE, 06/2012.  Download: laszewski-IEEECloud2012_id-4803.pdf (603.3 KB)
[fg-1909] Lee, K., D. I. Wolinsky, and R. Figueiredo, "PonD : Dynamic Creation of HTC Pool on Demand Using a Decentralized Resource Discovery System", Proceedings of the 21st international symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC), Delft, the Netherlands, ACM, 06/2012.
[fg-261-05-2012-a] Guo, Z., G. Fox, and M. Zhou, "Investigation of Data Locality in MapReduce", Proceedings of the 2012 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (ccgrid 2012), Ottawa, Canada, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 419–426, 05/2012. Abstract
[fg-1471] Desprez, F., G. Fox, E. Jeannot, K. Keahey, M. Kozuch, D. Margery, P. Neyron, L. Nussbaum, C. Perez, O. Richard, et al., "Supporting Experimental Computer Science", Published as ANL MCS Technical Memo 326, Argonne, Argonne National Laboratory, 03/2012.
[ruan2012dacidr] Ruan, Y., S. Ekanayake, M. Rho, H. Tang, S. - H. Bae, J. Qiu, and G. Fox, "DACIDR: deterministic annealed clustering with interpolative dimension reduction using a large collection of 16S rRNA sequences", Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine: ACM, pp. 329–336, 2012.
[ResStealAndBASE] Guo, Z., G. Fox, M. Zhou, and Y. Ruan, "Improving Resource Utilization in MapReduce", the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, Beijing, China, IEEE Computer Society, 2012.
[Guo:2012:IDL:2287016.2287022] Guo, Z., G. Fox, and M. Zhou, "Investigation of data locality and fairness in MapReduce", Proceedings of third international workshop on MapReduce and its Applications Date, Delft, The Netherlands, ACM, pp. 25–32, 2012.
[fg-2265] Funika, W., and P. Koperek, "Automatic Scaling in Cloud Computing Environments Based on Business Metrics", Conference on Parallel Programming and Applied Mathematics (PPAM'2011), 11-14 September 2011, Torun, Poland, LNCS, Springer, 2012 : NA, NA, 2011.
[fg-1295] Diaz, J., G. von Laszewski, F. Wang, A. J. Younge, and G. C. Fox, "FutureGrid Image Repository: A Generic Catalog and Storage System for Heterogeneous Virtual Machine Images", Third IEEE International Conference on Coud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom2011), Athens, Greece, IEEE, 12/2011.  Download: jdiazCloudCom2011.pdf (937.38 KB); ImageRepo_CloudCom2011.pptx (2.27 MB)
[fg-1362] Farfán Estrada, I., "Overview of a virtual cluster using OpenNebula and SLURM", Indiana booth presentation at Supercomputing 2011, Seattle, WA, 11/2011. Abstract  Download: one-slurm.pdf (480.76 KB)
[fg-1015] Younge, A. J., R. Henschel, J. Brown, G. von Laszewski, J. Qiu, and G. C. Fox, "Analysis of Virtualization Technologies for High Performance Computing Environments", The 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE CLOUD 2011), Washington, DC, IEEE, 07/2011.
[fg-1241] Fox, G. C., G. von Laszewski, and R. Fugueirdo, Overview of FutureGrid, , Salt Lake City, UT, Open Grid Forum 32, 07/2011.  Download: 001-fg-overview-ogf-32.pptx (5.96 MB); 002-fg-software-ogf-32.pptx (8.5 MB); 003-fg-appliance-ogf-32.ppt (1.98 MB)
[fg-1242] Fox, G. C., G. von Laszewski, R. Figueiredo, K. Keaheay, and A. J. Younge, Overview of FutureGrid, , Salt Lake City, UT, TeraGrid 11 Conference, 07/2011.  Download: 001-fg-tg11.pptx (16.9 MB)
[fg-1014] Diaz, J., A. J. Younge, G. von Laszewski, F. Wang, and G. C. Fox, "Grappling Cloud Infrastructure Services with a Generic Image Repository", The Third workshop on Cloud Computing and Its Applications (CCA11), Argonne, Il, 04/2011.
[fg-1013] von Laszewski, G., L. Wang, F. Wang, G. C. Fox, and G. K. Mahinthakumar, "Threat Detection in Urban Water Distribution Systems with Simulations Conducted in Grids and Clouds", The Second International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, Ajaccio - Corsica - France, Civil-Comp Press, 04/2011.
[fg-1037] Fox, G., FutureGrid Overview, , The Science of Cloud Computing Workshop, Washington D.C., 03/2011.
[fg-1038] Fox, G., FutureGrid Poster, , The Science of Cloud Computing Workshop, Washington D.C., 03/2011.
[fg-1040] Fox, G., Overview of Cyberinfrastructure and the Breadth of Its Application, , MSI-CIEC Cyberinfrastructure Day at South Carolina State University, 03/2011.
[fg-1041] Fox, G., Clouds, Grids, Clusters and FutureGrid, , IUPUI Computer Science Department Seminar, 02/2011.
[fg-1039] Fox, G., SOIC Lightning, , Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing , 02/2011.
[fg-1042] Fox, G., FutureGrid Overview, , Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) Annual Program Year, Workshop for High Performance Computing and Emerging Architectures, University of Minneapolis, 01/2011.
[fg-1043] Fox, G., Implications of Clouds for eScience and CReSIS , , CReSIS Center at University of Kansas Lawrence , 01/2011.
[ inria-00625203] Matsunaga, A., P. Riteau, M. Tsugawa, and J. Fortes, "Crosscloud Computing", High Performance Computing: From Grids and Clouds to Exascale, vol. 20: IOS Press, pp. 94-108, 2011. Abstract
[Wolinsky:2011:ESD:1996130.1996156] Wolinsky, D. I., and R. Figueiredo, "Experiences with self-organizing, decentralized grids using the grid appliance", Proceedings of the 20th international symposium on High performance distributed computing, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 183–194, 2011. Abstract
[fg-2266] Funika, W., and P. Koperek, "Scalable Resource Provisioning in the Cloud Using Business Metrics", Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences (ADVCOMP'2011), 20-25 November 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011, 2011.
[fg-50] Bresnahan, J., K. Keahey, T. Freeman, and D. LaBissoniere, Cumulus: Open Source Storage Cloud for Science, , vol. Supercomputing 2010, Conference Poster, 11/2010.
[fg-51] Fox, G. C., W. Smith, A. Grimshaw, J. Fortes, K. Keahey, and G. von Laszewski, Rain: Dynamically Provisioning Clouds within FutureGrid, , vol. Supercomputing 2010, Conference Poster, New Orleans, LA, IEEE, 11/2010.
[fg-624] Fox, G. C., Cloud Architecture for Earthquake Science , , 7th Aces International Workshop OTARU, 10/2010.
[fg-625] Fox, G. C., M. Pierce, J. Wang, Y. Ma, J. Ji, and X. Gao, QuakeSim Science Gateway: ACES Update, , 7th Aces International Workshop OTARU, 10/2010.
[fg-627] Fox, G., MPI and MapReduce, , Clusters, Clouds, and Grids for Scientific Computing: Flat Rock, NC, 09/2010.
[fg-629] Fox, G. C., Research in Grids and Clouds and FutureGrid, , Melbourne University Seminar, 09/2010.
[fg-628] Fox, G. C., Services, Security, and Privacy in Cloud Computing Panel , , IEEE HPCC-10 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications: Melbourne, AUS, 09/2010.
[fg-633] Fox, G. C., FutureGrid Early Projects, , User Advisory Board at TG'10, 08/2010.
[fg-631] Fox, G., FutureGrid Summary, , TG'10 TeraGrid Users Meeting, 08/2010.
[fg-636] Fox, G. C., FutureGrid Presentation, , TeraGrid Science Advisory Board Meeting: San Diego, CA USA, 07/2010.
[fg-635] Fox, G. C., FutureGrid: Supporting Next Generation Cyberinfrastructure , , VTDC10 - 4th International Workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing at HPDC: Chicago, IL USA, 06/2010.
[fg-1058] von Laszewski, G., A. J. Younge, A. Kulshrestha, F. Wang, and G. C. Fox, Rain: Dynamically Provisioning Clouds within FutureGrid, , A slightly modified version was presented as poster at SC10 and CloudCom10, 2010.
[fg-2207] Matsunaga, A., M. Tsugawa, and J. Fortes, Scaling-out CloudBLAST: Combining Technologies to BLAST on the Sky, , The Third IEEE International Scalable Computing Challenge (SCALE 2010), Melbourne, Australia, 2010. Abstract
[fg-641] Fox, G. C., FutureGrid and Applications, , Indiana University Innovation Center, 12/2009.
[fg-643] Fox, G. C., FutureGrid Cloud Technologies and Bioinformatics Applications Keynote Speech, , First International Conference on Cloud Computing: Beijing Jiaotong University, 12/2009.
[fg-644] Fox, G. C., FutureGrid Overview, , AIST Booth at SDSC 2009: Portland, OR USA, 11/2009.
[fg-649] Fox, G. C., FutureGrid Overview, , Cloud Computing and its Applications (CCA-09) Workshop at the Marriott Medical Center: Chicago, IL USA, 10/2009.
[fg-651] Fox, G. C., Introduction , , FutureGrid All Hands Meeting at the IUPUI Conference Center: Indianapolis, IN USA, 10/2009.
[fg-654] Fox, G. C., PolarGrid and FutureGrid Panel Presentation, , Indiana State IT Meeting at the IUPUI Conference Center: Indianapolis, IN USA, 10/2009.