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[10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002950] Larsson, P., and P. M. Kasson, "Lipid Tail Protrusion in Simulations Predicts Fusogenic Activity of Influenza Fusion Peptide Mutants and Conformational Models", PLoS Comput Biol, vol. 9, no. 3: Public Library of Science, pp. e1002950, 03, 2013. Abstract  Download: journal.pcbi_.1002950.pdf (1022.66 KB)
[fg-131] von Laszewski, G., Future Grid Software Architecture, , Bloomington, IN, Indiana University, 2009.
[fg-2079] von Laszewski, G., and J. Diaz, "IaaS in Action II: Eucalyptus OpenStack", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, Indiana University, 07/2012.  Download: OpenStackTutorial_slides.ppt (2.1 MB)
[fg-648] von Laszewski, G., FutureGrid and Green Aware Computing Keynote Address, , 3rd International Conference on Network & System Security (NSS 2009), 10/2009.
[fg-2583] von Laszewski, G., and G. C. Fox, FutureGrid UAB Meeting, , XSEDE13 San Diego, CA, 7/24/2013.  Download: FG-XSEDE13-July24-2013.pptx (2.09 MB)
[fg-276-cloud] von Laszewski, G., Cloud Computing for K-12, , Purdue University, 10/2012.  Download: Cloud Computing for K-12-oct-5.pptx (48.07 MB)
[fg-tutorial-cloudcom-2010] von Laszewski, G., G. Pike, A. Kulshrestha, A. J. Younge, and F. Wang, "FutureGrid Tutorial", CloudCom 2010, Indianapolis, IEEE, 12/2010.
[fg-ccgrid2011-tutorial] von Laszewski, G., A. J. Younge, and P. Marshall, FutureGrid CCGrid2011 Tutorial, , Newport Beach, CA, IEEE, 05/2011.
[fg-2080] von Laszewski, G., and J. Diaz, "IaaS in Action II: RAIN Dynamic Provisioning on Bare Metal and IaaS", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, Indiana University, 07/2012.  Download: RainTutorial_slides.ppt (4.35 MB)
[fg-1058] von Laszewski, G., A. J. Younge, A. Kulshrestha, F. Wang, and G. C. Fox, Rain: Dynamically Provisioning Clouds within FutureGrid, , A slightly modified version was presented as poster at SC10 and CloudCom10, 2010.
[fg-2045] von Laszewski, G., H. Lee, J. Diaz, F. Wang, K. Tanaka, S. Karavinkoppa, G. C. Fox, and T. Furlani, "Design of a Dynamic Provisioning System for a Federated Cloud and Bare-metal Environment", Workshop on Cloud Services, Federation, and the 8th Open Cirrus Summit, San Jose, CA, IEEE, 09/2012.  Download: vonLaszewski-federated-cloud-07-14-2012.pdf (1.06 MB)
[fg-653] von Laszewski, G., FutureGrid Software Architecture, , FutureGrid All Hands Meeting at the IUPUI Conference Center: Indianapolis, IN USA, 10/2009.
[fg-1050] von Laszewski, G., and others, FutureGrid User Manual, , update, Web Page, 04/2011.
[fg-2081] von Laszewski, G., and J. Diaz, "IaaS in Action II: fg-move: Moving Resources Between Federated Clouds and Bare Metal", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, Indiana University, 07/2012.  Download: MoveTutorial_slides.pptx (2.52 MB)
[fg-1060] von Laszewski, G., and F. Wang, FuturegGrid Software: Portal Development, , Bloomington, IN, Indiana University, 04/2011.
[fg-2063] von Laszewski, G., J. Bresnahan, and F. Wang, "Signing up for a FutureGrid Account", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, vol. 2012, no. 07/2012, Bloomington, FutureGrid Portal, 2012.
[fg-1013] von Laszewski, G., L. Wang, F. Wang, G. C. Fox, and G. K. Mahinthakumar, "Threat Detection in Urban Water Distribution Systems with Simulations Conducted in Grids and Clouds", The Second International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, Ajaccio - Corsica - France, Civil-Comp Press, 04/2011.
[fg-646] von Laszewski, G., FutureGrid and Green Aware Computing, , Northern Illinois University, 10/2009.
[fg-1933] von Laszewski, G., J. Diaz, F. Wang, and G. Fox, "Comparison of Multiple Cloud Frameworks", IEEE CLOUD 2012, 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Honolulu, Hawaii, IEEE, 06/2012.  Download: laszewski-IEEECloud2012_id-4803.pdf (603.3 KB)
[fg-1909] Lee, K., D. I. Wolinsky, and R. Figueiredo, "PonD : Dynamic Creation of HTC Pool on Demand Using a Decentralized Resource Discovery System", Proceedings of the 21st international symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC), Delft, the Netherlands, ACM, 06/2012.
[fg-2208] Lee, K., T. Choi, P. O. Boykin, and R. J. Figueiredo, "MatchTree: Flexible, Scalable, and Fault-tolerant Wide-area Resource Discovery with Distributed Matchmaking and Aggregation", Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. to be published , issue to be published , to be published , 2012.
[fg-2101] Li, H., and J. Qiu, "High Level Language: Pig Latin", Virtual Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, Indiana University, 07/2012.
[fg-2133] Li, H., and J. Qiu, "Hands on Tutorial: Pig ", Virtual Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, 07/2012.
[Loffler:2011:UTT:2016741.2016800] Löffler, F., G. Allen, W. Benger, A. Hutanu, S. Jha, and E. Schnetter, "Using the TeraGrid to teach scientific computing", Proceedings of the 2011 TeraGrid Conference: Extreme Digital Discovery, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 55:1–55:7, 07/2011.
[Loffler:2011:UTT:2016741.2016800] Löffler, F., G. Allen, W. Benger, A. Hutanu, S. Jha, and E. Schnetter, "Using the TeraGrid to teach scientific computing", Proceedings of the 2011 TeraGrid Conference: Extreme Digital Discovery, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 55:1–55:7, 2011. Abstract
[fg-1977] Luckow, A., and S. Jha, "Abstractions for Loosely-Coupled and Ensemble-Based Simulations on Azure", IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, 2010.
[fg-1976] Luckow, A., L. Lacinski, and S. Jha, "SAGA BigJob: An Extensible and Interoperable Pilot-Job Abstraction for Distributed Applications and Systems", 10th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, 2010.
[fg-1232] Luszczek, P., E. Meek, S. Moore, D. Terpstra, V. M. Weaver, and J. Dongarra, "Evaluation of the HPC Challenge Benchmarks in Virtualized Environments", VHPC 2011, 6th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing, Bordeaux, France, 08/2011.  Download: Evaluartion of the HPC Challenge Benchmarks in Virtualized Environments.pdf (229.51 KB)