Gregor von Laszewski's blog

CM - Cloud mesh a simple tool to manage multiple virtual machines.

Although euca2ools and nova clients provide a simple interface to IaaS frameworks, they do not provide the convenience I needed to start, manage, and experiment with multiple parallel virtual machines.


Since we enabled monitoring we have Over 140.000 VMs started in FutureGrid

We have now started in FG over 140000 VM instances. This number is lowe as in the setup of FG we initially did not monitor that data.

We will provide more details about the IaaS and their time frames ASAP.


By now you have heard probably also about TITAN. It is worth wile to check out the ORNL web site

Titan will be the first major supercomputing system to utilize a hybrid architecture, or one that utilizes both conventional 16-core AMD Opteron CPUs and NVIDIA Tesla K20 GPU Accelerators.

Storm effects major Blog/Cloud Sites

Flooding from Hurricane Sandy has hobbled two data center buildings in Lower Manhattan. To read more follow:

This indicates how important it is to put in place a HA strategy beyond one city when you read this article.

Dissapointing experience with trystack

Full of energy I went to and signed up for an account. The hope I had was to just use trystack for some smaller tests and see if it woudl work. It currently uses ESSEX and has an ubuntu 12.04 image. Once I gt my account, I uploaded my public key and started experimenting with the OpenStack dashboard. As I have used that before in FutureGrid I thought I should be all equiped with the needed tools and experience to use trystack.
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