Dissapointing experience with trystack

Full of energy I went to trystack.org and signed up for an account. The hope I had was to just use trystack for some smaller tests and see if it woudl work. It currently uses ESSEX and has an ubuntu 12.04 image. Once I gt my account, I uploaded my public key and started experimenting with the OpenStack dashboard. As I have used that before in FutureGrid I thought I should be all equiped with the needed tools and experience to use trystack. After I booted up the machine and patiently waited till I saw the login output in the logfile, I tryed to log into the instance as they claom the ip provided will be a public IP address.

Unfortunately no such luck. traceroute failes, ssh, naturally fails. I also tried the VNC which is not enabled.

Looks like the service is not ready for testing yet, or they have some outage?

Good that we have FutureGrid where you can use the euca tools to get to the VMs.
