EMI Unicore Tutorial

What is EMI?

European Middleware Initiative (EMI) is a software platform for high performance distributed computing.

It is at the core of grid middleware distributions used by scientific research communities and distributed computing infrastructures all over the world including WLCG--the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid--which supports, for example, the search for the Higgs boson and new types of matter searches of the physicists at LHC, together with other large scientific challenges in astronomy, biology, computational chemistry and other sciences.

Being a close collaboration among well-established grid middleware providers and other specialized software providers, EMI proposes itself as a leading platform for scientific grid computing and looks at expanding outside of its natural environment.

EMI on FutureGrid

EMI have created a number of Virtual Appliances which run on FutureGrid. This tutorial describes how to use the the EMI UNICORE server tools. Users can connect an EMI user interface node to the UNICORE instance running on the VM in order to submit jobs, monitor them and retrieve results.

The emi-unicore virtual appliance is available on the following resources

  • Sierra
  • Hotel
  • Foxtrot

Launching the UNICORE appliance

To launch the emi-unicore VM you must use the Nimbus cloud-client tool. For instructions on how to install and configure Nimbus please see the Nimbus tutorial.

Once you have a working Nimbus client you can search for the emi-unicore appliance using the following command

$ bin/cloud-client.sh --list

You should see a the emi-unicore appliance in the list. To instantiate an emi-unicore appliance use the following command

$ bin/cloud-client.sh --run --name <VM appliance name> --hours <number of hours>

For example, if the emi-unicore appliance is called emi1-unicore-centos-5.3-x64-p1.gz and you want to run it for three hours, use the following command

$ bin/cloud-client.sh --run --name emi1-unicore-centos-5.3-x64-p1.gz --hours 3

Once the VM is running you should have a working UNICORE server. You can log in as root using your ssh key and test the UNICORE services with the command

$ unicore-unicorex-status.sh

Using your UNICORE Server

The emi-unicore appliance contains the UNICORE server packages. In order to submit jobs to this server you must have access to a user interface machine with the emi-ui package installed.

This can be an external machine, or another VM, but it must run Scientific Linux versions 5 or 6.

The emi-ui package can be obtained from the EMI repository. EMI packages are signed with the EMI GPG key, which can be obtained from http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/2/RPM-GPG-KEY-emi. Download the key and run rpm --import <keyfilename> in order to allow packages signed with this key to be verified.

First configure the repository by installing the relevant yum repository file:

You should now be able to install packages from the EMI repository. To install the emi-ui type

$ yum install emi-ui

To configure your emi user interface to use the UNICORE server running in your emi-unicore virtual appliance you must edit the file .ucc/preferences. If this file does not exist first run the command ucc to create it.

Set the registry line to the uri of the EMI UNICORE instance, you will need to ensure that the hostname matches that of the emi-unicore VM which you previously instantiated. The hostname was given in the output of the Nimbus cloud-client.sh --run command. For example, if your UNICORE appliance was instantiated on host vm-7.sdsc.futuregrid.org then you would set the registry line as follows in the .ucc/preferences file:


You will also need to configure the UNICORE authentication. Your UNICORE server is configured to allow access to the UNICORE "demo user". You can find the keystore for this user here, download it and put it in the .ucc/certs/ directory. Next set the following parameters in the .ucc/preferences file:

keystore=certs/user-keystore.jks password=the!user

You are now ready to begin using your EMI UNICORE installation. To test it use the command

$ ucc connect

Querying Resources on EMI UNICORE

Before you run any jobs, you should investigate what resources are available. You can query the UNICORE server using the following commands

$ ucc list-sites $ ucc list-storages $ ucc list-applications

The first two commands will tell you about the computing and storage resources available to you. The last command tells you the supported applications which you are permitted to use. If you look in more detail at output of the list-applications command you will see that it provides a list of common applications along with their version number.

$ ucc list-applications Applications on target system <DEFAULT-SITE> Korn shell Version M 1993-12-28 q C shell 6.14.00 Bash shell 3.1.16 POVRay 3.5 Python Script 2.4.2 Perl 5.8.8 Date 1.0 Custom executable 1.0

When you submit a job to a UNICORE server, you must specify which of these applications the job will use. You can also upload data files or scripts for execution by any of these commands. The details of which application to use and any input and output files must be stored in a job description file which is submitted to UNICORE for execution.

Runing a job and the job description file

Let's get started with a very simple example. Create a file on your user interface machine called date.u with the follwoing content:

# simple job: run Date { ApplicationName: Date, ApplicationVersion: 1.0, }

This file tells UNICORE to execute the application Date version 1.0.

To submit this job we use the command 

$ ucc run date.u -v

In the output from this command you should see a line specifying where the output file was downloaded to, for example:

[ucc run] Downloading remote file 'https://vm-7.sdsc.futuregrid.org:8080/DEFAULT-SITE/services/StorageManagement?res=f884b431-4660-4b7a-b91c-260b647604db#//stdout' -> /root/./205d109d-42a6-4cea-8cd3-c85ecc201e4d/stdout

This line indicates that the standard output of your job has been downloaded to the file /root/./205d109d-42a6-4cea-8cd3-c85ecc201e4d/stdout

You can view your job's output by typing

$ cat /root/./205d109d-42a6-4cea-8cd3-c85ecc201e4d/stdout Thu Jul 12 10:32:29 EDT 2012

Congratulations, you have now succesfully run your first EMI UNICORE grid job! Of course, this was a very simple job, so next we will go on to look at how you can submit your own data and scripts for execution by UNICORE.

Running your own scripts

The job that you ran above didn't require any input or output files, and used a native command on the server that does not require any input. This is not the case with most useful jobs.

If you want to run your own script you will need to upload the script to the UNICORE storage device and specify it in the job description file to tell UNICORE which of your input files to pass to the interpreter.

Let's start with a simple bash script. The emi-unicore appliance comes with a version of the Bash shell, run ucc list-appliances to check the version number.

Next create a job description file to run this application, for example:
# a job to run a bash script { ApplicationName: Bash shell, ApplicationVersion: 3.1.16, }

Create a script that you want to run and copy it to the UI machine. A "Hello world" example is given below.

echo "Hello World!" > output.txt

This script should be set as the Source in your job description file as follows

Environment: [ "SOURCE=remoteScript.sh", ],
Next you must tell ucc to upload the script with your job, and to download the output file using the Imports and Exports 
Imports: [ { From: "./script.sh", To: "remoteScript.sh" }, ], Exports: [ { From: "output.txt", To:"./output.txt" }, ]

Your full job description file will now look something like this

# a job to run a bash script { ApplicationName: Bash shell, ApplicationVersion: 3.1.16,  Environment: [ "SOURCE=remoteScript.sh", ],  Imports: [ { From: "./script.sh", To: "remoteScript.sh" }, ], Exports: [ { From: "output.txt", To:"./output.txt" }, ] }
Now run this job with the ucc run command. You can do the same with Perl, Python or other scripting languages. Use ucc list-applications to see a full list of available scripting languages.

Handling Data

If you have data files that you want to use with multiple jobs it can be inefficient to stage them in with each job. In this case it may be useful to copy the files to the UNICORE storage in advance. You can do this using the ucc command line tool. Once done, your job can tell UNICORE to copy the files to your local directory by specifying them in your job description file.

To copy a file to a storage element first list the available storages:

$ ucc list-storages Home https://vm-143.uc.futuregrid.org:8080/DEFAULT-SITE/services/StorageManagement?res=demo-Home

This tells you that your Home directory is available addressable via this URI. You can use this URI to access your Home directory as follows

$ ucc ls https://vm-143.uc.futuregrid.org:8080/DEFAULT-SITE/services/StorageManagement?res=demo-Home
$ ucc put-file -s localfile.data -t https://vm-143.uc.futuregrid.org:8080/DEFAULT-SITE/services/StorageManagement?res=demo-Home#/remotefile.data
Note that the -s parameter for ucc put-file specifies the source file while -t specifies the target file.

Using the full URI is sometimes inconvenient, so you can use a shorter, more intuitive format. This is also a URI, but you need to know only the site (target system) name, and the storage or job id. For example


will resolve the "Home" storage at the target system named "DEFAULT-SITE".

$ ucc put-file -s localfile.data -t u6://DEFAULT-SITE/Home/testdata  $ ucc get-file -s u6://DEFAULT-SITE/Home/testdata -t newlocalfile.data
Remember that you will need to copy the file to the local working directory as part of your job in order to use it. To do this, include it in the job description file as an import as follows:
{ From: "u6://DEFAULT-SITE/Home/testdata", To: "testdata"}
You can also refer to a job Uspace (the job's working directory) on a given site. For this, you will need the unique ID of that job, which you can get for example using the 'list-jobs' command. For example,
refers to the file "outfile" in the working directory of the given job on the "DEFAULT-SITE" target system. This may be useful for checking the content of files during the job's execution, allowing you to steer the analysis on the basis of partial results.


In the Resources section of the .u script user can specify resources to run the job on the remote system. The section may look as follows:

Resources: { Memory: 128000000, Nodes: 1, CPUs: 8 , }

Running job on a set of files

To run UNICORE on a set of files user can put jobs descriptions in one directory (e.g. indir/) and use batch command: batch. -i argument indicate source directory (with .u scripts), -o - directory for output files:

$ ucc batch -i indir -o outdir
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