How long will it take for my HPC Account Request to be approved?

Please remember that we assume you have applied for an account. We also assume that you are in a valid project. If you are not, your account request will not be issued. You find in your...

if you are in an approved project.

Now the question is how long will it take for my account to be approved. Typically the approval takes up to three business days. Business days are between Mon-Fri 9-5 p.m. Account requests will not be handled over the weekend. For example, assume you are applying on Friday at 4:59 p.m., then you will get an answer back in 48 hours. If your account request is granted, the status at...

will automatically change. Hence it is easy for you to revisit this page from time to time to check on your status. In case your account is not created within three business days, please make sure you are in a valid project and have submitted your request. 

The singlt most reason for a dealay is the verification that you are you and that you have a reason to use FG. THus we advise you to uses valid e-mails, valid First and Lastname, and provide us with the address of your advisor as part of the portal account application. A link to your institutional web site is also useful. We will delete all requests without notification that do not provide enough information and look like spammers.