Gregors User Panel

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Project Lead Project Manager ProjectId Title Edit link
Renato Figueiredo Renato Figueiredo 1 Peer-to-peer overlay networks and applications in virtual networks and virtual clusters
Gregor von Laszewski Javier Diaz Montes 2 Deploy OpenNebula on FutureGrid
Tak-Lon Wu Tak-Lon Wu 3 Survey of Open-Source Cloud Infrastructure using FutureGrid Testbed
Jonathan Klingins... Jonathan Klingins... 4 Word Sense Disambiguation for Web 2.0 Data
Randy Heiland Randy Heiland 6 Parameter sweeps for multi-cell models on FutureGrid
Gideon Juve Gideon Juve 8 Running workflows in the cloud with Pegasus
Ilkay Altintas Ilkay Altintas 9 Distributed Execution of Kepler Scientific Workflow on Future Grid
Xiaoming Gao Xiaoming Gao 12 The Virtual Block Store system
Koji Tanaka Andrew Younge 13 FutureGrid Systems Development and Prototyping
Shantenu Jha Shantenu Jha 14 Course: Distributed Scientific Computing Class
Panoat Chuchaisri Panoat Chuchaisri 15 Grid Appliance
John Naab John Naab 16 FutureGrid and Tempest/Madrid/Storm Support
Judy Qiu Yang Ruan 17 Comparison of MapReduce Systems
Yangyi Chen Yangyi Chen 18 Privacy preserving gene read mapping using hybrid cloud
Yunhong Gu Yunhong Gu 19 PIRE: Training and Workshops in Data Intensive Computing Using The Open Science Data Cloud
Hyungro Lee Hyungro Lee 20 Development of an information service for FutureGrid
Lucas Wilson Lucas Wilson 21 FutureGrid - experiment harness
Shirley Moore Shirley Moore 23 Hardware Performance Monitoring in the Clouds
Kyungyong Lee Kyungyong Lee 24 Resource discovery in an asynchronous grid and cloud
James Vincent James Vincent 25 Collaborative Research: North East Cyberinfrastructure Consortium
John Conery John Conery 26 Bioinformatics and Clouds
Zhenhua Guo Zhenhua Guo 27 Evaluation of Hadoop for IO-intensive applications
Adam Hughes Adam Hughes 28 Biosequence Alignment Studies
Kashi Vishwanath ... Kashi Vishwanath ... 29 Metagenomics
Warren Smith Warren Smith 30 Publish/Subscribe Messaging as a Basis for TeraGrid Information Services
Anthony Chronopoulos Anthony Chronopoulos 31 Integrating High Performance Computing in Research and Education for Simulation, Visualization and RealTime Prediction
Please sign up Please sign up 32 Interoperability tests between OGF HPC-BasicProfile endpoints
Jenett Tillotson Jenett Tillotson 33 Comparing Moab metascheduling to Condor and MCP (Modified Critical Path)
Yonggang Liu Yonggang Liu 34 Parallel File System
Please sign up Please sign up 35 Software Engineering and VM's
Ryan Hartman Ryan Hartman 36 Advanced Technology for Sensor Clouds
Michel Drescher Michel Drescher 37 EGI-InSPIRE
Catherine Olschan... Catherine Olschan... 38 Fine-grained Application Energy Modeling
Shava Smallen Shava Smallen 40 Inca
Please sign up Please sign up 41 Cloud Computing
Robert Henschel Robert Henschel 43 ScaleMP Performance Evaluation
David Chiu David Chiu 44 Managing an Adaptive Cloud Cache for Supporting Data-Intensive Applications
Amy Apon Amy Apon 46 Data Analysis in the Cloud
Michael Wilde Michael Wilde 47 Parallel scripting using cloud resources
Thilina Gunarathne Thilina Gunarathne 48 Cloud Technologies for Bioinformatics Applications
Please sign up Please sign up 49 Experiments for Science Cloud
Yunhee Kang Yunhee Kang 50 Performance evaluation of MapReduce applications
Thomas William Thomas William 51 Vampir
David Lowenthal David Lowenthal 52 Cost-Aware Cloud Computing
Xiaoyong Zhou Xiaoyong Zhou 53 Combining public cloud and private cloud
Robert Henschel Robert Henschel 56 Windows and Linux performance comparison
Greg Cross Greg Cross 57 Use of xray and hotel
Jong Youl Choi Jong Youl Choi 58 Parallel Performance of GTM Dimension Reduction
Alexandra Carpen-... Alexandra Carpen-... 59 Scalable data management for cloud services
Lizhe Wang Lizhe Wang 60 Wide area distributed file system for MapReduce applications on FutureGrid platform
Albert Everett Albert Everett 61 Hadoop Evaluation
Charng-Da Lu Charng-Da Lu 62 Evaluation of using XD TAS (Technology Auditing Service) in FutureGrid
Christopher Hemme... Adam Hughes 63 Collaborative Genomic Analysis Software Development
Please sign up Please sign up 64 Storage security for Clouds
Please sign up Please sign up 67 Cloud Security and Forensics
Please sign up Please sign up 68 CFD and Workload Management Experimentation
Please sign up Please sign up 5 Policy based distributed computing
Jiaan Zeng Jiaan Zeng 69 Investigate provenance collection for MapReduce
Judy Qiu Judy Qiu 70 Big Data for Science Summer School July 26-30 2010
Judy Qiu Judy Qiu 71 Course: B649 Topics on Systems Graduate Cloud Computing Class
Judy Qiu Tak-Lon Wu 72 Course: B534 Distributed systems Graduate/Undergraduate Class
Shava Smallen Shava Smallen 73 TeraGrid QA Testing and Debugging
Pierre Riteau Pierre Riteau 74 Sky Computing
John Bresnahan John Bresnahan 75 Cumulus
Paul Marshall Paul Marshall 76 Differentiated Leases for Infrastructure-as-a-Service
Jens-S. Vöckler Jens-S. Vöckler 77 Periodogram Workflow Running on FutureGrid Using Pegasus
Please sign up Rob Quick 78 Exploring VMs for Open Science Grid Services
Andrew Grimshaw Karolina Sarnowsk... 79 XSEDE system software testing
Andrew Grimshaw Michael Saravo 80 Genesis II testing
Please sign up Please sign up 81 Use of VMs for OSG application deployment
Sharif Islam Sharif Islam 83 OpenStack on FutureGrid
Sonali Karwa Sonali Karwa 84 Development of an Index File System to Support Geoscience Data with Hadoop
Hui Jin Hui Jin 85 Exploring HPC Fault Tolerance on the Cloud
Lizhe Wang Rewati Ovalekar 86 Parallel Analysis of EEG Data with Hadoop on FutureGrid
Andrew Younge Andrew Younge 87 I399 Bioinformatics and Cyberinfrastructure project - 1000 Genomes protein analysis
Andrew Younge Andrew Younge 88 A credit card system for Virtual machines within FutureGrid
Abhijeet Kodgire Abhijeet Kodgire 89 Support multiple dimensional index in HDFS on the FutureGrid platform
Shava Smallen Shava Smallen 90 Unicore and Genesis Experimentation
John-Paul Navarro John-Paul Navarro 91 Integrated Information Services (IIS) Testing
Jonathan Cook Jonathan Cook 92 Cloud application monitoring experimentation and research
John Thottam John Thottam 93 Extending local resource using Clouds
Simon Delamare Simon Delamare 94 SpeQulos: A Framework for QoS in Unreliable Distributed Computing Infrastructures using Cloud Resources.
David Hancock David Hancock 95 Comparision of Network Emulation Methods
Yuduo Zhou Yuduo Zhou 96 Using Various Cloud Frameworks for Bioinformatics Application
Mauricio Tsugawa Mauricio Tsugawa 97 FutureGrid and Grid'5000 Collaboration
Sriram Krishnan Sriram Krishnan 98 Performance Evaluation of Data Intensive Scientific Applications
Katarzyna Rycerz Katarzyna Rycerz 99 Cloud-Based Support for Distributed Multiscale Applications
Lahiru Pileththuw... Dimuthu Undupitiy... 100 UniFrame : QoS aware Service Discovery and Composition framework for Cloud
Katherine Holcomb Katherine Holcomb 101 Annotation of High-Throughput Transcriptome Data
Katherine Holcomb Katherine Holcomb 102 Genetic Analysis of Metapopulation Processes in the Silene-Microbotryum Host-Pathogen System
Katherine Holcomb Katherine Holcomb 103 Investigation of the evolutionary origin of mitochondria by BLAST analysis
Katherine Holcomb Katherine Holcomb 104 Hunting the Higgs Boson with Matrix Element Methods
Katherine Holcomb Katherine Holcomb 105 Design space exploration with the M5 simulator
Katherine Holcomb Katherine Holcomb 106 Global Sensitivity Analysis in Non-Premixed Counterflow Flames
Katherine Holcomb Katherine Holcomb 107 Continuous Time Markov Chain Models for Threshold Exceedance
Katherine Holcomb Katherine Holcomb 108 Mixture Model Simulation with R
Antonio Rafael Braga Antonio Rafael Braga 109 PerfClusters - Analysis and Selection of Public Clusters Based on QoE (Quality of Experience)
Gary Miksik Gary Miksik 110 FutureGrid Systems Development
Prakashan Korambath Prakashan Korambath 112 University of California (UC) Grid and Cloud Project
Yang Ruan Yang Ruan 114 Hierachical Multidimensional Scaling process Massive Metageonomics data
Harsha Madhyastha Harsha Madhyastha 115 Cloud Computing Research at UC Riverside
Kenneth Yoshimoto Kenneth Yoshimoto 116 HPC Scheduling
Jiangyan Xu Jiangyan Xu 117 Collaborative Data Distribution and VM Provisioning
Peter Kasson Peter Kasson 118 Testing new paradigms for biomolecular simulation
Mo Zhou Mo Zhou 119 Keyword-based Semantic Association Discovery
Jerome Mitchell Jerome Mitchell 120 Workshop: A Cloud View on Computing
Paul Marshall Paul Marshall 121 Elastic Computing
Massimo Canonico Massimo Canonico 122 Course: Cloud computing class
Jongwook Woo Jongwook Woo 123 CSULA Business Intelligence on Map/Reduce
Gregor von Laszewski Andrew Younge 124 Course: CCGrid2011 Tutorial
Shiyong Lu Shiyong Lu 125 The VIEW Project
Srirangam Addepalli Srirangam Addepalli 126 Research Experience for Undergraduate Students in Cloud Computing
Cui Lin Cui Lin 127 Course: Fresno System Architecture and Cloud Computing Class
Haixu Tang Haixu Tang 128 De novo assembly of genomes and metagenomes from next generation sequencing data
Andrew Younge Andrew Younge 129 Google SOC 11: Using DemoGrid and Globus Online on FutureGrid
Weiwei Chen Weiwei Chen 130 Optimizing Scientific Workflows on Clouds
Judy Qiu Xiaoming Gao 131 HBase Application and Investigation
Yogesh Simmhan Yogesh Simmhan 132 Large scale data analytics
Manuel Rossetti Yaohua Chen 133 Supply Chain Network Simulator Using Cloud Computing
Chenyu Wang Chenyu Wang 134 Distributed Mapreduce
Shrideep Pallickara Shrideep Pallickara 135 Realtime Stream Processing
Mats Rynge Mats Rynge 136 JGC-DataCloud-2012 paper experiments
Bryon Gill Bryon Gill 137 Hadoop Testing
Zhanquan Sun Zhanquan Sun 138 Data mining samples based on Twister
Andy Li Han Zhao 139 Course: Cloud Computing and Storage Class
Andy Li Andy Li 140 Enabling Petascale Ensemble-based Data Assimilation for Numerical Analysis and Prediction of High-Impact Weather
Fusheng Wang Fusheng Wang 141 High Performance Spatial Data Warehouse over MapReduce
Judy Qiu Tak-Lon Wu 143 Course: Cloud Computing for Data Intensive Science Class
Vladimir Getov Vladimir Getov 144 Smart Federation Platform for Mobile Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Samuel Angiuoli Samuel Angiuoli 145 CloVR - Cloud Virtual Resource for Automated Sequence Analysis From Your Desktop
J Ray Scott Zhihui Zhang 146 SLASH2 Testing in a Wide Area Environment
Koray Incki Koray Incki 147 Cloud Computing for Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Thomas Hacker Thomas Hacker 148 Developing Virtual Clusters for Science Gateways and HPC Education
Malcolm Zachariah Malcolm Zachariah 149 Metagenome analysis of benthic marine invertebrates
John Bresnahan David LaBissoniere 150 SC11: Using and Building Infrastructure Clouds for Science
David Gignac David Gignac 151 XSEDE Operations Group
Warren Smith Warren Smith 152 Karnak Prediction Service
Doga Tuncay Doga Tuncay 153 CSCI B649 Project
John Latifis John Latifis 154 STS Server 2011
Lionel Schwarz Lionel Schwarz 155 JSAGA
Ezra Kissel Martin Swany 156 Phoebus: An Integrated System for End-to-end High Performance Networking
Andrea Bosin Andrea Bosin 157 Resource provisioning for e-Science environments
Kiruba Karan Kiruba Karan 158 Cloud Peer
Ivan Rodero Ivan Rodero 159 Evaluation of MPI Collectives for HPC Applications on Distributed Virtualized Environments
Von Welch Von Welch 160 Exploration of FutureGrid Identity Management
Andrew Grimshaw Michael Saravo 161 XSEDE: GenesisII-Unicore6 interop testing
Masoud Valafar Masoud Valafar 162 Leveraging Network Flow Watermarking for Co-residency Detection in the Cloud
Sathya Narayanan Sathya Narayanan 163 Advanced Networking
Shantenu Jha Yaakoub El Khamra 164 Course: Distributed Scientific Computing Class
Meghna Babbar-Sebens Meghna Babbar-Sebens 166 Parallel watershed and hdyrodynamic models
Jonathan Klingins... Jonathan Klingins... 168 Next Generation Sequencing in the Cloud
Fabrizio Messina Fabrizio Messina 169 Hygra-Sim: Simulation of a Decentralized protocol for Resource discovery and job Allocation in large computational grids
Morris Riedel Morris Riedel 170 European Middleware Initiative (EMI)
Paolo Romano Paolo Romano 172 Cloud-TM
Gregor von Laszewski Javier Diaz Montes 174 RAIN: FutureGrid Dynamic provisioning Framework
Craig Ward Craig Ward 178 Intelligent Data Experiments
Claire Le Goues Claire Le Goues 179 GPCloud: Cloud-based Automatic Repair of Real-World Software Bugs
Dan Gunter Dan Gunter 180 STAMPEDE
Ali Shoker Ali Shoker 181 BFT protocols based on the Abstract abortable platform
Shanfei Jiao Shanfei Jiao 182 Molecular Dynamics on Hadoop
Richard Keith Richard Keith 183 Daphnia pulex Population Genomics
Abhiram Das Abhiram Das 184 Use Cloud Computing environment to develop and test bioinformatics applications
Adam Bates Adam Bates 185 Co-Resident Watermarking
Judy Qiu Tak-Lon Wu 186 Course: Spring 2012 B534 Distributed systems Graduate Course
Jeff Whitworth Jeff Whitworth 187 Hybrid Cloud Processing of Secure Data
Sergey Blagodurov Sergey Blagodurov 188 Optimizing Shared Resource Contention in HPC Clusters
Mats Rynge Mats Rynge 189 Pegasus development and improvement platform
Jun Wang Jun Wang 190 Data Semantics Aware Clouds for High Performance Analytics
Jun Wang Jun Wang 191 Course: UCF EEL6938 Data-intensive computing and Cloud Class
Jay Larson Jay Larson 192 Climate Data Analytics Using MapReduce
Thomas William Jens Domke 193 Efficient deadlock-free routing
Barani Subramanian Barani Subramanian 195 elastic site
Barani Subramanian Barani Subramanian 196 Elastic Site
Manjunath Kadaba ... Manjunath Kadaba ... 197 comparision of performance with respect to resource allocation between cloudsim and actual cloud
Richard Knepper Richard Knepper 198 XSEDE Campus Bridging Rocks Roll testing
Gregor von Laszewski Gregor von Laszewski 199 FutureGrid Early Users
Jingya Wang Jingya Wang 200 MapReduce Based Ray Tracing Class Project
Preston Smith James Weichel 201 ExTENCI Testing, Validation, and Performance
Ifeanyi Egwutuoha Ifeanyi Egwutuoha 202 Fault Tolerance of HPC systems
Adnan Ozsoy Adnan Ozsoy 203 Compression on GPUs
Richard Knepper Richard Knepper 204 GFFS Testing for XSEDE pilot
Ryan Newton Ryan Newton 205 Parallelization of heterogeneous workloads for Imaging Genomic Browser
Seung-Hee Bae Seung-Hee Bae 206 Parallel Performance of MDS Dimension Reduction Method
David Young David Young 207 Disaster Recovery and Management using Twitter and MapReduce
Junzhou Wang Junzhou Wang 208 Genomic Mapping
Karolina Sarnowsk... Karolina Sarnowsk... 209 Quantifying User Effort to Migrate MPI Applications
Adetunji Anthony ... Adetunji Anthony ... 210 Exploring and Cataloging Cloud Computing Security issues via FutureGrid
Zhan Wang Zhan Wang 211 Performance evaluation of cloud storage placement
Epaphras Matsangaise Epaphras Matsangaise 212 Cloud Computing : Confidentiality and Integrity of data
Massimo Canonico Massimo Canonico 213 Course: Cloud Computing class - second edition
Yong-Yeol Ahn Yong-Yeol Ahn 214 Mining Interactions between Network Community Structure and Information Diffusion
Gregor von Laszewski Fugang Wang 215 FuturGrid Directory Entry
Andrea Matsunaga Andrea Matsunaga 216 Scaling-out CloudBLAST: Deploying Elastic MapReduce across Geographically Distributed Virtulized Resources for BLAST
Željko Šeremet Željko Šeremet 217 Cloud Computing In Education
Anju Bala Anju Bala 218 Workflow scheduling
Sebastiano Peluso Sebastiano Peluso 220 FutureGrid Project Challenge (Project FG-172)
Wilson Rivera Wilson Rivera 221 Course: High Performance Computing Class
Praveen Sankara S... Praveen Sankara S... 222 Securing a Cloud platform
Jonathan Newbrough Jonathan Newbrough 223 APE Testing for Ocean Observatories Initiative
Allwin Fernandez Allwin Fernandez 232 Testing framework for big data leveraging Cloud
Pierre Riteau Kate Keahey 224 Nimbus Auto Scale (Phantom)
Adrian Muresan Adrian Muresan 225 Budget-constrained workflow scheduler
Andrew Younge Andrew Younge 226 GPU Experimentation using Delta
Peter Dinda Peter Dinda 227 V3VEE Project
Rajiv Rajaian Rajiv Rajaian 228 J2EE Infrastructure Automation
John Bresnahan John Bresnahan 229 Course: XSEDE 2012 Tutorial
Arun Chauhan Arun Chauhan 230 Automatic Extraction of Heterogeneous Parallelism from Array-based High-level Languages
Arun Chauhan Arun Chauhan 231 Optimizing Partitioned Address-space Programs for Shared Memory and Hybrid Clusters
Keith Bisset Keith Bisset 233 CINET - A Cyber-Infrastructure for Network Science
Selvi Kadirvel Selvi Kadirvel 235 Fault management in Map-Reduce
Wesam Dawoud Wesam Dawoud 236 Dynamic scalability and contention prediction in public infrastructure using Internet application profiling
Devesh Shrestha Devesh Shrestha 237 Metagenomics analysis of environmental samples
Yong Zhao Yong Zhao 239 Community Comparison of Cloud frameworks
Judy Qiu Tak-Lon Wu 240 Tutorial Day 2 for Science Cloud Summer School 2012
Gregor von Laszewski Fugang Wang 241 Course: Science Cloud Summer School 2012
John Bresnahan John Bresnahan 242 Nimbus Summer School 2012
Dirk Grunwald Dirk Grunwald 244 Course: Data Center Scale Computing
Tharindu Gamage Tharindu Gamage 245 The frequency distribution
Jazcek Braden Jazcek Braden 246 Investigation of Cloud Technologies for advancement of campus research.
Andy Li Min Li 247 Course: Cloud Computing and Storage Class
Glenn Flierl Glenn Flierl 248 Geophysical fluid dynamics education and research
Sergio Maffioletti Sergio Maffioletti 249 Course: Large Scale Computing Infrastructure 2012 Master class
Mauricio Tsugawa Mauricio Tsugawa 250 CloudStack on Futuregrid
Judy Qiu Tak-Lon Wu 251 Course: Fall 2012 B534 Distributed Systems Graduate Course
Linda McMahan Linda McMahan 252 Analyzing Large-scale Cancer Genomics Sequencing Data with Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Data Analysis Tools in Hybrid Cloud
Paul Marshall Paul Marshall 253 Characterizing Performance of Infrastructure Clouds
Karissa McKElvey Karissa McKElvey 254 Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks
Andrea Donnellan Andrea Donnellan 256 QuakeSim Evaluation of FutureGrid for Cloud Computing
Doug Benjamin Doug Benjamin 257 Particle Physics Data analysis cluster for ATLAS LHC experiment
Pratanu Roy Lyn Gerner 259 Performance analysis of a parallel CFD solver in cloud computing clusters
Zhenhua Guo Zhenhua Guo 260 Improve resource utilization in MapReduce
Zhenhua Guo Zhenhua Guo 261 Investigation of Data Locality and Fairness in MapReduce
Sumin Byeon Sumin Byeon 262 Test
Dong Wang Dong Wang 263 Hello MapReduce
John Bresnahan John Bresnahan 265 Course: SC12 Tutorial
Abdelkrim Hadjidj Abdelkrim Hadjidj 266 Secure medical files sharing
LaWanda Warren LaWanda Warren 267 Investigation of Security on client platforms in e-health systems
Scott Jensen Jingya Wang 269 Course: P434 MapReduce Class Project
Tejesvi Mysore Tejesvi Mysore 270 Microbial community structure of boreal and Artic soil samples
Mohammed Rangwala Mohammed Rangwala 272 Digital Provenance Research
Mohammed Rangwala Mohammed Rangwala 273 Digital Provenance Research
Binny Samuel Binny Samuel 274 Course: Trial run - BUS S523 Large Scale Data Analysis
Bingjing Zhang Bingjing Zhang 275 Twister Collective Iterative MapReduce Development
Thomas Hacker Natasha Nikolaidis 276 Course (1 day): K12 Introduction High Performance and Cloud Computing
Akash Pargat Akash Pargat 277 Dynamic Scheduling and Load Balancing for Monte Carlo based Radiotherapy Simulations
Ekasit Kijsipongse Ekasit Kijsipongse 278 Coastal-Ocean Simulation in Southeast Asia
Abdelkrim Hadjidj Abdelkrim Hadjidj 279 Course: Mastering OpenStack
Sharath S Sharath S 280 Use of Eucalyptus,Open Nebula
Neha Uppal Yashovardhan Agar... 281 Page Rank Algorithm
Hang Li Hang Li 284 Class Assignment: Map Reduce Comparison
Gopinath Elanchez... Gopinath Elanchez... 285 Page-Rank
You-Wei Cheah You-Wei Cheah 286 Query and analysis of provenance using Mapreduce
Ravi Vadapalli Ravi Vadapalli 287 Cloud-enabled Subsurface Modeling
Javier Diaz Montes Javier Diaz Montes 288 Federating HPC, Cyberinfrastructure and Clouds using CometCloud
Ashish Jain Ashish Jain 289 Benchmarking the cloud
Sharath S Sharath S 290 Open Source Cloud Computing
David Fergusson David Fergusson 291 Course: Distributed Computing
Dapeng Wu Dapeng Wu 292 Big Data Analytics for GatorCloud
Robert Ricci Robert Ricci 293 Future Testbeds
Shuyuan Deng Shuyuan Deng 294 Predicting economic activities using social media
Lonnie D. Crosby Reuben Budiardja 295 Scalability, Verification, and Validation Test of Scientific Applications and Related Utilities
Koji Tanaka Gregor von Laszewski 296 Teefaa: Framework for Bare-Metal Provisioning integrated with Cloud Infrastructure
Lei Ye Lei Ye 297 Network Aware Task Scheduling in Hadoop
Lavanya Ramakrishnan Lavanya Ramakrishnan 298 FRIEDA: Flexible Robust Intelligent Elastic Data Management
Jeffrey Cox Jeffrey Cox 299 Pluggable Event Architecture for Cloud Environments
Iain James Marshall Iain James Marshall 300 compatibleone
Eric Keller Eric Keller 301 Course: Advanced Networking class University of Colorado
Fei Teng Fei Teng 304 Twister fault tolerance
Sharath S Sharath S 306 Eucalyptus and Openstack
Minlan Yu Minlan Yu 307 intercloud
Alina Danila Alina Danila 309 Cloud SE POC
Warren Smith Warren Smith 310 OpenStack Familiarization for TACC
David Choi David Choi 311 HPC Web Server
Roberto Palmieri Roberto Palmieri 313 HyFlowTM
Aaron Lee Aaron Lee 315 Biome representational in silico karyotyping
Massimo Canonico Massimo Canonico 316 Course: Cloud Computing Class - third edition
Premkumar Duraiswamy Premkumar Duraiswamy 317 camda
Mats Rynge Mats Rynge 319 GlideinWMS
Peng Zhang Peng Zhang 320 Morphomics
Sameer Tilak Sameer Tilak 321 SSD performance benchmarking
Gregor von Laszewski Hui Li 322 Parallel Clustering on GPU's
Euisung Jung Euisung Jung 323 Biomedical Natural Language Processing
Zhengqi He Zhengqi He 324 R&D on FRIB on-line fast lattice optimizer using cloud technique
Feifan Liu Feifan Liu 325 BioCreative shared task
Charles Welzig Charles Welzig 326 Biosimulation test using GPUs
K Watkins K Watkins 327 Semantic Validation
Lorho Thierry Lorho Thierry 328 Dynamic Modelling and Artificial Intelligence in Study of Conflicts and Reconstruction
Renato Figueiredo Renato Figueiredo 329 Simulation of Partition-resilient Overlay Peer-to-Peer Networks
Ravi Teja Mahavra... Ravi Teja Mahavra... 331 Elastic Site - Using Clouds to Elastically Extend Site Resources
rihab chaari rihab chaari 332 CC
Jose Fortes Jose Fortes 334 Tutorial on Cloud Computing and Software-defined Networking
Javier Diaz Montes Javier Diaz Montes 336 Understanding Fluid Flow in Microchannels using a CometCloud-based Federated HPC infrastructure
Javier Diaz Montes Javier Diaz Montes 337 Content-based Histopathology Image Retrieval using a CometCloud-based infrastructure
Gary Mazzaferro Gary Mazzaferro 338 FutureGrid CompatibleOne Appliance
Mohammed Rangwala Mohammed Rangwala 339 REU: FutureGrid Introduction
Rion Dooley Rion Dooley 343 The iPlant Foundation API
Glenn K. Lockwood Glenn K. Lockwood 344 Exploring map/reduce frameworks for users of traditional HPC
Yuzhe Tang Yuzhe Tang 345 Performance evaluation and improvement on NoSQL systems
Albert Elfstein Albert Elfstein 346 Course: Example Course On Advanced Cloud Computing
Scott McCaulay Scott McCaulay 348 Scalable Framework for Agent-Based Computing
Renan DelValle Renan DelValle 349 MapReduce Scheduling in Cloud Environments
Katherine Holcomb Katherine Holcomb 350 Global Sensitivity Analysis in Non-premixed Counterflow Flames
Katherine Holcomb Katherine Holcomb 351 Likelihood Ratio Tests for Cointegration, Cobreaking and Cotrending
Katherine Holcomb Katherine Holcomb 352 Inference on Market Power in Markets with Multiple Equilibria
Javier Diaz Montes Javier Diaz Montes 353 Software as a Service Framework to Execute Scientific Applications in Federated Environments
Jie Wang Jie Wang 354 A scalable matrix-based framework for social dynamics learning
Todd Blevins Todd Blevins 356 IPython pipelines for training life sciences researchers on NGS data analysis
Andrew Grimshaw Andrew Grimshaw 357 NRAO: Run CASA pipeline using XCG (including FG resources)
Omer Arap Omer Arap 359 Testing MPI_Barrier Optimized with NetFGPA against Mellanox Core-Direct
Shava Smallen Shava Smallen 360 XSEDE Software Development and Integration Testing
Wilson Rivera Wilson Rivera 340 Research: Parallel Computing for Machine Learning
Radu Tudoran Pierre Riteau 361 Streaming in the Clouds
Nirav Merchant Nirav Merchant 363 Course: Applied Cyberinfrastructure concepts
Meng Han Meng Han 364 Course: EEL6871 Autonomic Computing
Dirk Grunwald Dirk Grunwald 355 Course: Data Center Scale Computing Class
Morris Riedel Morris Riedel 358 Course: UoIceland Teaching
Wilson Rivera Wilson Rivera 318 Course: High Performance Computing Class
Erik Keever Kate Keahey 365 Forest Project
Malek Musleh Malek Musleh 366 Cloud Virtualization Environment Analysis towards High Performance Storage Solutions
Jan Balewski Jan Balewski 367 Optimize rapid deployment and updating of VM images at the remote compute cluster
Judy Qiu Tak-Lon Wu 368 Course: Fall 2013 P434 Distributed Systems Undergraduate Course
Igor Sfiligoi Igor Sfiligoi 369 Testing of Network Facing Services for the Open Science Grid
Edgar Acuna Edgar Acuna 370 Course: CIIC 8995: Mining Massive Datasets
Theron Voran Theron Voran 371 Characterizing Infrastructure Cloud Performance for Scientific Computing
Renato Figueiredo Renato Figueiredo 372 Mobile Device Computation Offloading over SocialVPNs
Andy Li Min Li 362 Course: Cloud Computing and Storage (UF)
Tak-Lon Wu Tak-Lon Wu 347 salsaDPI: a dynamic provisioning interface for public/ private IaaS cloud
John Lockman John Lockman 342 Hadoop built on Apache Mesos layer
Wilson Rivera Wilson Rivera 341 Course: Parallel Computing
Eric Svensen Eric Svensen 335 Legislator Ideology Scores for Divided Government Project
Jessie Walker Jessie Walker 333 Intrusion Detection and Prevention for Infrastructure as a Service Cloud Computing System
Sameer Tilak Sameer Tilak 312 Sensor-Rocks: A novel integrated framework to improve software Operations and Management (O&M) and power management in environmental observing systems
Pang-Ning Tan Pang-Ning Tan 308 Course: Computational Techniques for Large-Scale Data Analysis (CSE 491/891)
Jon Weissman Jon Weissman 305 Bundles: Distributed Cloud Resources
Gary Miksik Gary Miksik 167 FutureGrid User Support
Peter Klipfel Peter Klipfel 376 Simplified Deployments of Distributed Data Architectures
Rohan Indurkar Rohan Indurkar 377 c-Lock
Orevaoghene Addoh Orevaoghene Addoh 378 Eucalyptus
Luis Cunha Luis Cunha 379 The genome of a terrestrial metazoan extremophile
Blake Stamps Blake Stamps 375 Course: Testbed for Metagenomics
Andrew Grimshaw Andrew Grimshaw 373 Type Architectures and Parallel Programming Languages
Philip Rhodes Philip Rhodes 374 Course: Cloud and Distributed Computing
Douglas Thain Dinesh Rajan Pand... 234 CCTools Scalability Testing
Shane Green Shane Green 381 Authentication of Mobile Cloud Computing
Nirav Merchant Nirav Merchant 243 Course: Applied Cyberinfrastructure concepts
Carl Walasek Carl Walasek 382 Reliability Analysis using Hadoop and MapReduce
Sameer Tilak Sameer Tilak 383 SenseHealth: A Platform to Enable Personalized Healthcare through Context-aware Sensing and Predictive Modeling Using Sensor Streams and Electronic Medical Record Data
John Lockman John Lockman 10 TeraGrid XD TIS(Technology Insertion Service) Technology Evaluation Laboratory
Tirtha Bhattacharjee Tirtha Bhattacharjee 384 Graph/network analysis Resource manager
Gopikrishnan Nara... Gopikrishnan Nara... 385 page_rank_algo
Srikanth Thiruvad... Srikanth Thiruvad... 386 PageRank
Akshatha Somayaji Akshatha Somayaji 387 PageRank
Yin Xie Yin Xie 388 Pagerank
ibrahim hallac ibrahim hallac 389 Investigating the Apache Big Data Stack
Heramb Gadekar Heramb Gadekar 390 PageRank algorithm Implementation
Kate Keahey Pierre Riteau 392 Using Clouds to Scale GIS Applications
Troy Baer Troy Baer 393 SLURM testbed
Kate Keahey Pierre Riteau 394 Hydroinformatics on the Cloud
Subrat Sharma Subrat Sharma 395 Stor Trusted P2P Storage System
Renato Figueiredo Renato Figueiredo 396 Course: EEL-5934 Principle of Computer Systems Design Fall-13 Class Projects
Shiyong Lu Shiyong Lu 165 The VIEW Project
Robert Brunner Robert Brunner 397 Laboratory for Cosmological Data Mining
Shantenu Jha Yaakoub El Khamra 42 SAGA
Shantenu Jha Shantenu Jha 45 Experiments in Distributed Computing
Sandip Bhagat Sandip Bhagat 398 Ensuring Data Security and Accountability for Data Sharing in the Cloud
Rui Du Rui Du 399 Information extraction from biomedical literature using text mining approaches
Lin Liu Lin Liu 400 Use Hadoop to find popular words of open source Java codes
Brock Palen Brock Palen 401 Evaluation of HPC Applications on Cloud Resources
Feng Wang Feng Wang 402 Investigation on Network Performance in Virtual Machine Based Cloud Environments
Jason Kwan Jason Kwan 403 The evolution of microbial symbionts and their biosynthetic pathways through shotgun metagenomics
Rahul Limbole Rahul Limbole 404 Enhancing Usage of cloud Infrastructure
Abhilash Koppula Geoffrey Fox 406 Experimental Testbed for MOOC Support
Andrew Younge Andrew Younge 407 Evaluating ScaleMP virtual shared memory architecture for use in HPC
Ermin Hodzic Ermin Hodzic 408 Use of ILP for cancer driver prioritization
Judy Qiu Tak-Lon Wu 405 Spring 2014 CSCI-B649 Cloud Computing MOOC for residential and online students
Saurabh Bagchi Saurabh Bagchi 410 Scaling up computational biology applications
Heru Suhartanto Heru Suhartanto 391 Course: Topics in Parallel Computation
Trevor Edelblute Trevor Edelblute 411 ILS-Z604 Big Data Analytics for Web and Text - SP14 Group #2
Jean Utke Jean Utke 412 Short Course on Algorithmic Differentiation
Lan Zhao Lan Zhao 413 Running SWAT model on the cloud
Alan Sill Dong Jeong 194 SGVO Cloud Options Working Group
Alan Sill Alan Sill 176 Cloud Interoperability Testbed
Patricia Teller Patricia Teller 414 Creating a Highly Configurable, Scalable Cloud Test Bed Using Nimbus and Phantom
Randall Sobie Randall Sobie 54 Investigating cloud computing as a solution for analyzing particle physics data
Li Chunyan Li Chunyan 238 HPC meets Clouds
Ari Kurnianto Ari Kurnianto 415 Private Cloud Computing
Mats Rynge Mats Rynge 7 SDCI NMI Improvement: Pegasus: From Concept to Execution- - -Mapping Scientific Workflows onto the National Cyberinfrastructure
Chad Huneycutt Chad Huneycutt 416 External Secure OpenStack Deployment and Integration with FutureGrid
Ubaldo Cordova-Fi... Ubaldo Cordova-Fi... 417 Active and Janus Particles
Massimo Canonico Massimo Canonico 418 Course: Cloud Computing Class - fourth edition
Yukai Xiao Yukai Xiao 419 Distributed Real-time Computation System
Gregor von Laszewski Gregor von Laszewski 82 FG General Software Development
Ming Zhao Ming Zhao 420 QoS-driven Storage Management for High-end Computing Systems
Ming Zhao Ming Zhao 421 Coordinated QoS-Driven Management of Cloud Computing and Storage Resources
Ming Zhao Ming Zhao 422 Enabling Time-sensitive Applications on Virtualized Computing Systems
Yangyi Chen Yangyi Chen 423 Investigating security issues in OpenStack
Mohammed Korayem Mohammed Korayem 424 Deep Learning with GPUs
Sarath Chandra Janga Sarath Chandra Janga 425 Improved next generation sequencing analytics
Scott McCaulay Scott McCaulay 426 Comparison of Architectures to Support Deep Learning Applications
Lakmal Warusawithana Lakmal Warusawithana 427 Apache Stratos deployment for MOOC
Rahul Limbole Rahul Limbole 428 Cloud Infrastructure Utilization
Sean Halle Sean Halle 429 Proto-Runtime on the Grid
Geoffrey Fox Sidd Maini 452 Course: Big Data Open Source Software and Projects (Data Science Curriculum)
Tevfik Kosar Tevfik Kosar 113 End-to-end Optimization of Data Transfer Throughput over Wide-area High-speed Networks
Samuel Matos Samuel Matos 430 ICOM4036 Cuda Project
Massimo Canonico Massimo Canonico 314 User-friendly tools to play with cloud platforms
Thomas Fahringer Thomas Fahringer 175 GridProphet, A workflow execution time prediction system for the Grid
Heru Suhartanto Heru Suhartanto 432 2014 Topics in Parallel Computation
Ilkay Altintas Jianwu Wang 264 Course: 1st Workshop on bioKepler Tools and Its Applications
Geoffrey Fox Geoffrey Fox 433 Big Data Kaleidoscope
Carl Leuschen Carl Leuschen 434 GPU Acceleration of Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing
Wei Peng Wei Peng 435 REU: FutureGrid Introduction
Ari Kurnianto Ari Kurnianto 436 Private Storage Cloud Computing
Yang Ruan Yang Ruan 271 Sequence alignment for Phylogenetic Tree Generation on Big Data Set
Sameer Tilak Sameer Tilak 437 Engineers for Exploration
Martin Swany Steven Wallace 438 Summer of Networking
David Crandall David Crandall 439 Large-scale image classification in social media
Gregor von Laszewski Gregor von Laszewski 440 Cloudmesh REU Summer Projects
M Orban M Orban 441 Optimizing Intensive Data Computations Using GPU
Saliya Ekanayake Saliya Ekanayake 442 MPI Java Performance Evaluation
Tae Seung Kang Tae Seung Kang 443 Virtual Machine Live Migration for Disaster Recovery in WANs
Zhenghao Gu Judy Qiu 444 LDA_GPU
Anthony Nguyen Kohei Ichikawa 445 Deployment of Virtual Clusters on a Commercial Cloud Platform for Molecular Docking
Malek Musleh Malek Musleh 446 Evaluation of Network Interrupt Tuning on Virtualized Application Performance
Supun Kamburugamuva Supun Kamburugamuva 409 Apache Storm and Samza
Tofuli Baendo Tofuli Baendo 447 Using SNORT and AFTERGLOW to detect and visualize all malicious attacks within IaaS Cloud COmputing Systems
Nirav Merchant Nirav Merchant 448 Applied Cyberinfrastructure concepts
Dirk Grunwald Dirk Grunwald 449 University of Colorado Data Center Scale Computing
Abhilash Koppula Geoffrey Fox 380 Big Data Applications and Analytics
Alexei Efros Tinghui Zhou 450 Learning mid-level image representations with little or no supervision
Andy Li Min Li 451 Course: Cloud Computing and Storage
Geoffrey Fox Geoffrey Fox 454 Data Management for Polar Science
Geoffrey Fox Geoffrey Fox 455 Fall 2014 Course: Big Data Applications and Analytics (Data Science Curriculum)
Jayalakshmi Dodda... Jayalakshmi Dodda... 456 Cloud Computing Class
Abhinav Gupta Abhinav Gupta 457 Deep Learning for Scene Understanding (3D, Functional, Semantics)
Judy Qiu Andrew Younge 453 Fall 2014 P434 Distributed Systems Undergraduate Course
Canping HUANG Canping HUANG 458 Metagenomic Analysis and Novel Pathogen Discovery from Human Lower Respiratory Tract Samples and Bat Fecal Samples
