
Alamo is a 96 node Dell cluster running 2.66 GHz Intel Xeon X5550 processors.  The OS is CentOS 5.8 and 6.3.  It runs Torque and Moab for scheduling.  Alamo has a QDR IB interconnect and 15 TB of attached disk storage.   Alamo is partitioned into different resources for Nimbus and HPC.  See the Alamo hardware page for more detail: .

Nimbus partition - see nimbus documentation:

HPC partition

Max cores 584.  Submit ticket if you need to run larger than the 320 limit per user. 

Available queues: 
   short - 24 hours runtime limit
   long - 72 hours runtime limit

After registering your .ssh key on the portal, go to .

If you key has been uploaded, you can ssh to the login node using the following command. 
Note: If you are prompted for a password, your account has not been set up correctly or the .ssh key has not been propagated. 


To submit a test job use the qsub command.

ex.  qsub -N job_name -l nodes=1 -q short  job_script
  • qstat - show current jobs in the queue with status
  • showq - show current running and queued jobs and job id
  • checkjob -v <jobid>   - more detailed information about your job
Applications are available via modules.  To see a list of available applications:
  module avail

File systems:
   /home   - Quota enforced home directory, backed up nightly.
   /N/work - 6.3 TB work directory, not backed up. NFS mounted from login node. 
   /N/images - 11 TB directory for system images, not backed up. NFS mounted from login node.

Administrator: David Gignac
For issues or questions please use . You can conveniently submit a ticket via To look at your previously submitted tickets you can use .