Cloud2011: Panel Opportunities of Services Business in Cloud Age

Dr. von Laszewski will be participating in the following panel discussion:

Panel 5: Opportunities of Services Business in Cloud Age (7/8/2011, Friday)
Moderator: Nianjun (Joe) Zhou, PIC Chair of Services Computing, IBM Watson Research Center, USA

  • Ernesto Damiani, Professor, University of Milan, Italy
  • Steve Diamond, General Manager, Industry Standards Office, EMC Corporation, USA
  • Andrzej M Goscinski, Professor, Deakin University, Australia
  • Dejan S. Milojicic, Director, HP Labs, USA
  • Gregor von Laszewski, Indiana University, USA
Cloud computing has taken the information technology industry by storm with the promised of more flexibility, greater agility, and less capital expenditure. Such development provides tremendous opportunities and challenges for economic and enterprise transformation to this new utility-oriented paradigm. 

At micro-level, enterprises can leverage cloud computing to enhance efficiency and overcome geographic limitations to compete in a global market.  At macro level, we have to consider cloud computing in development of economic strategy. What new services business is made possible? How can resources are shared globally. The next frontier of services research revolves around making services more standardized, predictable, asset based with the aid from cloud computing.

Today, cloud technologies and their application to services business are advanced on every front of research and development – from low level base system technologies, operational support systems, to high level business support systems. Like all technology fields that are driven by immediate market needs, researchers have ample opportunities to provide cloud enabling technologies.  However, there is not yet consensus on what cloud computing problems may be long-standing and require persistent attention of the research community.  

As Hilbert's famous twenty-three problems in 1900 were influential in shaping 20th century mathematics, we are looking for the ten most interesting problems in services and cloud computing that will shape the research focus in the next 10 years.
Event Type: 
Conference/Workshop Presentation