Twister Collective Iterative MapReduce Development

Project Information

Computer Science (401) 

To investigate system issues of large scale data analysis using iterative MapReduce framework, we use Bravo and run Twister on it. With the large memory machines in Bravo, we can test Twister with large input data.

Intellectual Merit

To investigate system issues of large scale data analysis using iterative MapReduce framework.

Broader Impacts

To accelerate iterative computation that fully utilizes large memory machines.

Project Contact

Project Lead
Bingjing Zhang (zhangbj) 
Project Manager
Bingjing Zhang (zhangbj) 

Resource Requirements

Hardware System
  • bravo (large memory machine at IU)
Use of FutureGrid

Deploy Twister on Bravo nodes and run K-means Clustering application.

Scale of Use

All nodes in Bravo

Project Timeline

10/08/2012 - 00:42