Tutorial on Cloud Computing and Software-defined Networking

Project Information

Computer Science (401) 
40.01 Physical Sciences, General 

This project will enable the delivery of a tutorial on cloud computing and software-defined networking at the Mini-PRAGMA International Workshop on Building Collaborations in Clouds, High Performance Computing, and Application Areas. It will re-use tutorials available from the FutureGrid portal.  The following is transcribed from the Mini-PRAGMA announcement:

The Pacific Rim Application and Grid Middleware Assembly (PRAGMA) was formed in 2002 to establish sustained collaborations and advance the use of grid and now cloud technologies in applications among a community of investigators working with leading institutions around the Pacific Rim. In PRAGMA, applications are the key, driving an integrating focus that brings together the necessary expertise, infrastructure and middleware to advance the application’s goals.

In order to develop more collaborations between Indonesian and PRAGMA researchers, the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia (UI), together with PRAGMA, are hosting a three day Mini-PRAGMA International Workshop.

Day 1:
Tutorial and training on Cloud Computing and Software Defined Networks (SDN). Cloud computing and SDN are two vital areas of technology for the development of international cloud initiatives. In this workshop PRAGMA members will introduce cloud and SDN technologies and present ongoing developments across the PRAGMA member institutions. Participants will have the opportunities to setup and try some features of the technology.

Day 2:
Mini-PRAGMA workshop on, The workshop will presents current works of some PRAGMA members, and Indonesian researchers for further potential collaboration.

Day 3:
Mini-PRAGMA Biodiversity. The workshop is intended to explore avenues for advancing biodiversity science capacity by leveraging international, multi-disciplinary collaborations, especially those that involve information technology (IT). The workshop is intended to benefit biologists who are interested in how technology can advance their science and IT experts who wish to work with data-rich, complex biological and environmental topics. The workshop will be a mix of presentations and discussions. Emphasis will be placed on opportunities to collaborate among faculty, professional researchers, and students. Some areas of discussion will include:
  • iDigBio cyberinfrastructure,
  • Indonesian collection digitization,
  • Virtual cluster and network overlay demo for Lifemapper/geospatial data,
  • Integrating data across domains.

Intellectual Merit

Cloud computing and software-defined networking are technologies that drive the establishment of collaborative global computing infrastructure. This tutorial takes place at a meeting whose purpose is to serve as a catalyst for the creation of collaborations and supporting cyberinfrastructure in areas related to bio-diversity across the Pacific Rim countries. It is expected that follow-up collaborations among the participants in this meeting will inform research in inter-cloud systems and wide-area virtual networking.

Broader Impacts

Biodiversity and international collaboration are of increasing importance to security and societal well being. The proposed tutorial is part of initial steps in understanding shared biodiversity concerns and solutions in the Pacific Rim and the building of research collaborations.

Project Contact

Project Lead
Jose Fortes (fortes) 
Project Manager
Jose Fortes (fortes) 
Project Members
Ken Danniswara, Rezi Syahdi, Rini Wijayanti, Nova Diana, Sri Puji Utami, Furqon Hensan Muttaqien, Muhammad Hilman, Heru Suhartanto, Alhadi Bustamam, Sri Chusri Haryanti, I Wayan Aditya Swardiana, Andreas Febrian, Ummi Azizah Rachmawati, Aditya Fergiawan, Aruni Azizah, Arry Yanuar, Aan Kardiana, Driszal Fryantoni, Ari Wibisono, Tommy Kurniawan, Hanif Fatrial, Hendrik Didok, Ika Alfina, Darius Kabanga, Yeni Herdiyeni, Yan Maraden Sinaga, Iwan Darmadi, Ngakan Kutha Krisnawijaya, Indra Laksmana, Indra Kelana Jaya, Chandra Utomo, Efta Yudiarsah, Tonny Sabastian, Herika Hayurani, Ardhi Pratama, Setiadi Yazid, Gianinna Ardaneswari  

Resource Requirements

Hardware System
  • sierra (IBM iDataPlex at SDSC)
Use of FutureGrid

FutureGrid will provide the resources (hardware and software) and pre-made tutorial scripts that will enable hands-on activities during the tutorial

Scale of Use

Between 10 and 40 participants

Project Timeline

05/21/2013 - 09:32