Ensuring Data Security and Accountability for Data Sharing in the Cloud

Project Information

Computer Science (401) 
11.07 Computer Science 

In cloud the users data are handled and processed at remote place. There are many issues regarding users data security and data Accountability. In our proposed system we are providing the data security and data accountability framework. By using that the users data will be secure at the remote place and cam be accessed by only authorized users. The users are also able to keep track of their data access.

Intellectual Merit

The proposed framework will be very useful for cloud service provider. The framework is suitable for cloud environment. The data security is ensured along with the data accountability. The log file is generated after the data access and that log file will be send to the user at regular interval. The users data will be secure and the authentication will be done before the data access so that only authorized users will be able to access the data. The proposed framework will be very useful in cloud environment for the cloud service providers and the cloud service users/ Clients.

Broader Impacts

This work may bring the significant change in the cloud data security and cloud data accountability. This work gives new idea which may trigger many researchers to think in the different directions.

Project Contact

Project Lead
Sandip Bhagat (sandip) 
Project Manager
Sandip Bhagat (sandip) 

Resource Requirements

Hardware System
  • Not sure
Use of FutureGrid

I intend to use future grid to set up the small network. which will have client\ data owner, eucalyptus cloud, Certificate authority, cloud service provider etc.

Scale of Use

a few VMs for an experiment.

Project Timeline

12/05/2013 - 15:35