Evaluation of HPC Applications on Cloud Resources

Project Information

Electrical and Related Engineering (106) 

We will explore the performance of traditional HPC applications and benchmarks on Cloud platforms vs. HPC specific infrastructure. We will evaluate a series of synthetic benchmarks related to flop, memory bandwidth, and network performance for MPI, as well as popular HPC applications. Comparing FutureGrid resource performance to comparable Xsede and local resources we hope to derive recommendations for to researchers which platforms should be approached based on application need.

Intellectual Merit

Understand and evaluate resources from a national resource portfolio (FutureGrid, Xsede, AWS), to build an understanding of which resources provide the most impact to given HPC research needs withing a reasonable economic model.

Broader Impacts

The communities better understanding of where Cloud resources fit into a national resource portfolio for users of HPC applications should facilitate better resource matching with computational need speeding discovery and enable higher researcher productivity.

Project Contact

Project Lead
Brock Palen (brockp) 
Project Manager
Brock Palen (brockp) 
Project Members
Andrew Caird, Benjamin Wang, Alec Ten Harmsel, Matthew Britt, Russell Dekema, Bennet Fauber, Matt McLean, Allison McDonald  

Resource Requirements

Hardware System
  • Not sure
Use of FutureGrid

FutureGrid will work as the base comparison for the impact of running in a Cloud/Visualized environment.

Scale of Use

A few VM's on unique nodes (for network effects) for a few hours over several days.

Project Timeline

12/11/2013 - 20:42