Collaborative Genomic Analysis Software Development

Project Information

Computer Science (401) 

We are developing an interface to TIGR's workflow application to use Twister to perform map-reduce tasks. This will allow us to run biological pipelines in broader environments such as HPC or cloud.

Intellectual Merit

This is a novel project in that it is introducing map-reduce through Twister to a very broad set up biological applications. It is also unique in that it will provide chose in computational environment (HPC or cloud).

Broader Impacts

This will allow biologists to easily and quickly run computationally intensive software quickly and cheaply. It provides the flexibility to use cloud services such as Amazon or a traditional HPC environment.

Project Contact

Project Lead
Christopher Hemmerich (chemmeri) 
Project Manager
Adam Hughes (adalhugh) 
Project Members
Aaron Buechlein, Yang Ruan  

Resource Requirements

Hardware System
  • india (IBM iDataPlex at IU)
Use of FutureGrid

We plan on using futuregrid to further our collaboration with PTI in the use of Twister for running our biological pipelines in both HPC and cloud environments.

Scale of Use

Not entirely sure, although Adam from PTI will know.

Project Timeline

12/15/2010 - 10:37