Nimbus Unavailable on Alamo

FutureGrid Hardware Outage Information

Nimbus Unavailable on Alamo

Software System
Impacted systems
Start of outage
Wed, 27 Feb 2013 (All day)
Anticipated end of outage
Tue, 05 Mar 2013, 23:00 EST


A Java update has caused Nimbus to stop working. We are upgrading Nimbus to resolve this problem.

Apologies for the delay in resolving this issue - we expect it to take another day.


Nimbus on Alamo has been upgraded to version 2.10.1.

** The location of the Nimbus services has changed: Users must edit their nimbus-cloud-client-0XX/conf/alamo.conf to continue using Nimbus on Alamo. All occurrences of 'master1' must be replaced with 'nimbus' in the alamo.conf file.

We apologize for this inconvenience and for the extended downtime.

For changes in this version, please see the change log on the Nimbus web site (