OpenStack Essex on india has issue on Nova Volume Service.

FutureGrid Hardware Outage Information

OpenStack Essex on india has issue on Nova Volume Service.

Software System
Impacted systems
Start of outage
Mon, 08 Jul 2013, 09:00 EDT
Anticipated end of outage
Wed, 31 Jul 2013, 09:00 EDT


India's Openstack is Essex version yet, and the volume service is Nova Volume(not Cinder Volume) which has this bug(, we will upgrade it to Grizzly version as same as Sierra's, so if you need to the volume service, please use Sierra's OpenStack until we upgrade india's.


We applied unofficial workaround patches to all the nova compute nodes, and restarted the service. Now it is fine to create/attach volumes. But we still recommend Sierra's OpenStack for the users who need to use volume service, until we upgrade india's.