TeraGrid XD TIS(Technology Insertion Service) Technology Evaluation Laboratory


The TIS team will operate a Technology Evaluation Laboratory to ensure that any proposed technology changes are thoroughly tested before being recommended for insertion into the production XD infrastructure.

Intellectual Merit

In collaboration with the XD staff the TIS team will guarantee that the testing environment simulates as closely as possible the production environment into which the software will be deployed. By testing in realistic conditions, unanticipated issues will be minimized in production deployment.

Broader Impact

The XSEDE Technology Evaluation Lab will be used heavily by TIS activities, but will also be available to other XD services, activities and groups as needed (e.g. testing of security patches before deployment to production systems). Since this activity will leverage the new XD experimental HPC system and grid testbed and the XD production systems as well as provide dedicated resources for software testing, a set of usage policies will be enforced, varying by resource in terms of access and privileges, acceptable usage, etc. The TIS team will define policies for inclusion of resources in the evaluation process jointly with XD service providers, in addition to policies for laboratory usage by XD staff and by users. These policies will cover access by software developers working on services or capabilities of interest to XD.

Use of FutureGrid

FutureGrid will be used in part by the TIS team for the Technology Evaluation Process.

Scale Of Use

comparisons of different software stacks on all available hardware (not necessarily at the same time)


John Lockman
University of Texas at Austin

Project Members

Chris Koeritz
Daniel LaPine
David Walling
Derek Simmel
Galen Arnold
George Butler
Jason Charcalla
Jesse Hanley
Michael Campfield
Nikoli Dryden
Peter Enstrom
Tony Cole
Vanamala Venkataswamy
Victor Hazlewood

FutureGrid Experts

Gregor von Laszewski