Continuous Time Markov Chain Models for Threshold Exceedance


Mr. Deviney, a graduate student in the Department of System and Information Engineering, defended his dissertation entitled “Continuous Time Markov Chain Models for Threshold Exceedance” in May 2009. With the support of UVACSE’s computing resources, he worked to improve the process of reporting the frequency and duration that a water quality parameter spends above or below a threshold. This threshold represents the division between healthy and harmful conditions. One of the major problems is that observations of these parameters are typically unevenly spaced so traditional methods of frequency and duration estimation are not applicable. Over the course of working with Mr. Deviney, he used over 10,000 CPU days and ran hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Intellectual Merit

Improving the process of reporting the frequency and duration that a water quality parameter spends above or below a threshold.

Broader Impact

Improving the process of reporting the frequency and duration that a water quality parameter spends above or below a threshold.

Use of FutureGrid

Using Genesis II software already configured on FutureGrid resources to perform computation

Scale Of Use

Ran batches of 15,000 jobs taking 5-20 minutes each


Katherine Holcomb
University of Virginia


3 years 20 weeks ago