CSULA Business Intelligence on Map/Reduce


As web site has a log file that is tera- or peta-bytes as well as other business data, the legacy algorithm is not good enough to analyze such a huge amount of data. In the project, Business Intelligence algorithm, for example, Market Basket Analysis and Customer Analysis should be designed to Map/Reduce algorithm and executed on FutureGrid Hadoop platform.

Intellectual Merit

Existing business intelligence algorithms are not proper for big data. If their Map/reduce algorithms are implemented, the big data will be analyzed in high-performance.

Broader Impact

The developed algorithms will be published so that the people can share the knowledge and use them for their needs.

Use of FutureGrid

Mainly will use Map/Reduce on Hadoop for business intelligence

Scale Of Use

a few VMs for an experiment


Jongwook Woo
California State University Los Angeles

FutureGrid Experts

Saliya Ekanayake
Yuduo Zhou


3 years 20 weeks ago