SC11: Using and Building Infrastructure Clouds for Science


  • When: 11/13/2011, 8:30am - 5pm
  • Where: SC11 tutorial

Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) cloud computing (sometimes also called “infrastructure cloud computing”) has recently emerged as a promising outsourcing paradigm: it has been widely embraced commercially and is also beginning to make inroads in scientific communities. Although popular, the understanding of its benefits, challenges, modes of use, and general applicability as an outsourcing paradigm for science are still in its infancy, which gives raise to many myths and misconceptions. Without specific and accurate information it is hard for the scientific communities to understand whether this new paradigm is worthwhile – and if so, how to best develop, leverage, and invest in it. Our objective in this tutorial is to facilitate the introduction to infrastructure cloud computing to scientific communities and provide accurate and up-to-date information about features that could affect its use in science: to conquer myths, highlight opportunities, and equip the attendees with a better understanding of the relevance of cloud computing to their scientific domain. To this end, we have developed a tutorial that mixes the discussion of various aspects of cloud computing for science, such as performance, privacy and standards, with practical exercises using infrastructure clouds and state-of-the-art tools.



  • Katarzyna Keahey - Argonne National Laboratory
  • John Bresnahan - Argonne National Laboratory
  • David LaBissoniere - University of Chicago
  • Paul Marshall - University of Colorado
  • Patrick Armstrong - University of Victoria

Intellectual Merit

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Broader Impact

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Use of FutureGrid

FutureGrid will be used as part of the tutorial

Scale Of Use

All of hotel


John Bresnahan
David LaBissoniere

Project Members

Abdullah Alyabes
Al Kelly
Alan Sill
Alessandra Scicchitano
Andre Gauthier
Anthony Lichnewsky
Arno Kolster
Aron Ahmadia
Barrett Ross
Ben Rogers
Benjamin Shayne
Bob Clay
Chris Adolf
Claude Cantin
Daniel Cybulski
Daniel Johannsson
Daniel Strassler
David Clifton
David Smith
Dong Ahn
Elizabeth Ploetz
Erik Swanson
Ernest Lee
fabien delalondre
Gordon springer
Guy Tel-Zur
Hiroji Kubo
Hung Huang
Ian Collier
Jaegyoon Hahm
James Silva
Jared Ribble
Jason Arviso
Jeff Shao
Jerome Kinlaw
John Bresnahan
John England
Jon Grasmeder
Jonathan Bolte
Jorge Gonzalez-Outeirino
K Watkins
Kent Blancett
Kevin Fitzhenry
Kurt Lust
Lee Dreger
ludovic sauge
Mark Brice
Maurice Watkins
Michael Aronsen
Michael Galloway
Michael Lewis
Michael Wang
mike upton
Moody Altamimi
Muhammad Yanhaona
Nevin Cheung
Norbert Conrad
Patrick Doyle
Patty Bragger
Paul Mignone
Richard Pacheco
Robert Lyon
Robert McDermott
Sangeeta Kuchimanchi
Sarom Leang
Sean Korb
sean roberts
Senthil Natarajan
Sky Paxton
Stanislav Alekseev
Stefan garrard
Steffen Hau
Steve Bailey
Susan Schwarz
Theron Voran
Thomas Jackman
Thomas Ludescher
Viet Hai Ha
Von Welch
William Fecteau

Project Alumni

Bill Reckas



2 years 35 weeks ago
1 year 13 weeks ago