ExTENCI Testing, Validation, and Performance


The ExTENCI project is developing and providing production quality enhancements to the National CyberInfrastructure that will enable specific science applications to more easily use both OSG and XSEDE or broaden access to a capability to both XSEDE and OSG users. One project within ExTENCI is developing tools and portals to create, manage, deploy, and submit VMs to cloud computing services. Another is providing Lustre/WAN capability to the National CI, including within a VM. As part of that work, we want to test and validate the performance of these capabilities using different cloud technologies and implementations. We are proposing the use of FutureGrid for these purposes.

Intellectual Merit

The proposed activity will result in a set of VM capabilities to create, manage, deploy, and submit VMs that are applicable to the computing clouds provided across the national cyberstructure. We will publish performance results and document how scientists can to use these capabilities.

Broader Impact

This work will enhance the infrastructure for research and education by providing facilities to simplify use of computing and cloud resources.

Use of FutureGrid

We want to use FutureGrid to test and validate the performance of tools and portals to create, manage, deploy, and submit VMs to cloud computing services.

Scale Of Use

We needs a few (10s) of VMs to verify tools and performance. Optionally, based on availability, we could employ 100s of VMs on a production science workload to test performance at production levels and complete science work in the process.


Preston Smith
James Weichel
Purdue University

Project Members

Subhra Sarkar
Todd Miller

FutureGrid Experts

Gregor von Laszewski