CloudStack on Futuregrid


The goal of this project is to study CloudStack IaaS system and compare it against Nimbus, Eucalyptus, and OpenStack. A stand-alone VM deployment of CloudStack will be packaged as a VM appliance (taking advantage of KVM nested virtualization capability). The VM appliance will be prepared to be deployed throgh Nimbus, enabling FutureGrid users to deploy their own "sandboxed" cloud systems. Another goal is to have a full deployment of CloudStack on a FutureGrid site (e.g., foxtrot).

Intellectual Merit

Study CloudStack IaaS in FutureGrid environment.

Broader Impact

Tutorials on how to use CloudStack and how to deploy CloudStack (through the use of Virtual Appliances) will enable FutureGrid users to CloudStack use, configuration, deployment, and operation.

Use of FutureGrid

Deploy sandboxed CloudStack systems through Nimbus and on bare-metal.

Scale Of Use

8 to 32 VMs or bare-metal.


Mauricio Tsugawa
University of Florida

Project Members

Gaurab Dey
Karan Gurnani
Navina Ramesh
Shuo Jia

FutureGrid Experts

Gregor von Laszewski