Cloud SE POC


The purpose of the project is to investigate the use of the cloud computing platforms (in this case Nimbus) from a software engineering perspective. In the study we consider some of the key points in software engineering: what projects are fit for the cloud, software development methodologies, deployment strategies, testing techniques, integration with other systems and protocols, best practices. The aplication is just a proof of concept, the main purpose being studying the software engineering aspects.

Intellectual Merit

the proposal aims to study the software engineering challenges in the cloud computing area. As this area is quite new, there is room for improvements and new studies being made on different platforms (in this case Nimbus).

Broader Impact

The broader impact (if the research succeeds) is to publish a paper available for a broader audience, having some key-points about software engineering for the cloud.

Use of FutureGrid

I intend only to have a small, proof of concept, application which I should be able to use to research some key points in software engineering for the cloud.

Scale Of Use

I need just a few vms (3-4) for an experiment, they will run just a simple web application (some kind of a web service), which will be used only a few times (2-3 hours) in a week, for about 4 months from now on.


Alina Danila
Faculty of Computer Science, Iasi, Romania


1 year 4 weeks ago