Stor Trusted P2P Storage System


Building a storage system, we need to be able to guarantee the persistence of stored data in order to make the system usable. Storage devices, however, are not expected to be reliable, merely due to issues such as device failure and accidental data loss. There are a couple of approaches that address the reliability of data within a storage system. The first is to improve the reliability of devices to prevent failure. The second is to introduce redundancy into the system to improve availability. With a peer to peer system, the only feasible approach is to rely on redundancy. With redundancy exists the issue of available storage. Depending on the redundancy scheme, more storage space can be consumed than required. An appropriate redundancy scheme can decrease the amount of storage space required when storing files in a P2P network. Another issue that occurs with peer to peer storage is security. Consumers of a P2P storage system become concerned with the security of their files. When a file or a portion of a file is stored within the P2P storage system, the file becomes accessible by peers within the system. To address security concerns, a reliable P2P storage system must be able to store files securely, allowing only the originator of the file access. With this project we attempt to address the storage issues of a P2P system. The following sections describe our approach from implementation to evaluation of the different redundancy schemes available to a P2P storage system.

Intellectual Merit

A trusted p2p storage system

Broader Impact

A trusted p2p storage system

Use of FutureGrid

First, launch about 300 systems.

Second, either replicate full files or store erasure coded fragments across these systems.

Scale Of Use

About 300 systems.
Used intermittently for not more than a couple hours per day.
For a period of about 1 month


Subrat Sharma
University of Colorado

Project Members

Guoliang Wang
Rayland Jeans



45 weeks 2 days ago