FutureGrid and Grid'5000 Collaboration


This project investigates sky computing deployment across FutureGrid and Grid'5000.

Intellectual Merit

This project investigates sky computing scalability using resources in the US (FutureGrid) and abroad (Grid'5000 in France).

Broader Impact

A virtual cluster deployed across FutureGrid and Grid'5000 allows users to experiment with intercontinental environments.

Use of FutureGrid

VMs deployed through Nimbus.

We will need RAIN, as we may need to deploy custom versions of Nimbus (this is currently possible in Grid'5000).

Scale Of Use

Typical experiment would need few (2-4) nodes/VMs in each site (alamo, hotel, india, foxtrot, sierra, etc).


Mauricio Tsugawa
University of Florida

Project Members

Kate Keahey
Pierre Riteau


3 years 32 weeks ago