Projects: performance

Project Number Project Namesort icon Project Lead Institution Created Completed
FG-51 Vampir Thomas William GWT-TUD GmbH 12/23/2010 approved
FG-98 Performance Evaluation of Data Intensive Scientific Applications Sriram Krishnan University of California, San Diego 03/08/2011 04/07/2013 cancelled
FG-50 Performance evaluation of MapReduce applications Yunhee Kang Indiana University 12/23/2010 10/24/2011 completed
FG-23 Hardware Performance Monitoring in the Clouds Shirley Moore University of Tennessee 12/23/2010 approved
FG-175 GridProphet, A workflow execution time prediction system for the Grid Thomas Fahringer University of Innsbruck 11/24/2011 approved
FG-306 Eucalyptus and Openstack Sharath S Visvesvaraya Technological University 01/29/2013 approved
FG-253 Characterizing Performance of Infrastructure Clouds Paul Marshall University of Colorado at Boulder 08/29/2012 approved
FG-371 Characterizing Infrastructure Cloud Performance for Scientific Computing Theron Voran University of Colorado at Boulder 09/03/2013 approved