Student Projects


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Getting Involved

At IU students have the oppertunity to participate in the development of FutureGrid by taking independent studies. A number of faculty members offer these oppertunities. In the upcomming semester Dr. von Laszewski will offer students to engage in such activities. It is easy to sign up by following the guidelines of the CS or Informatics departments (see forms TBD). 

Two different kind of activities exists
  1. documentation and paper writing activities that will have as product a paper that can idially be submitted to a workshop.
  2. a programming project that is affiliated with FutureGrid goals. 
Please note that such activities will be 3 credit hours and the student is reminded that the time commitment it is just like any other advanced graduate course. You will only get as much out of the opportunity, as you will put in. In general at IU a gradute coures of 3 credit hours is typically 20 hours of real work. Students are also able to work in teams on a project or may be collborationg with other staff members.

To apply for such opportunities, please send a brief resume to, indicate your current GPA and especially indocate your proficiency in programming if you want to participate in programming related tasks.

We will not accespt any student that has signed up fopr more than 9 credit hours in the semester. 

Project Spotlight

Highlighted project

Recently one of our students completed a project that can deploy multiple virtual clusters into OpenStack Essex and manage them via a commandl ine tool

Available projects
  • Virtual Cluster Improvements
Active Projects
  • Cloud Accounting and Metrics
  • RAIN Improvements
Completed Projects

Ways to Get Involved

Dev Forum - Get advice and give advice

Other Forums - Get advice and give advice

Manual - First Look here and help improve

Blog - Blob about your activities

Project Links - TBD