FutureGrid Tutorial GA9: Running a Grid Appliance on FutureGrid


This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for deploying a Grid Appliance on FutureGrid. The Grid Appliance can be used as a basis for running a variety of educational, training, and outreach activities.


Deploying a Grid Appliance on FutureGrid

This tutorial assumes you have an account on FutureGrid and have gone through the prerequisite tutorials for Nimbus or OpenStack. Once you complete these simple steps, later on you will have the ability to deploy your own private Grid appliance clusters on FutureGrid resources, as well as on your own resources, to use in your courses or research.
  • Using Nimbus

    A Nimbus Grid appliance image with all required packages has been created at TACC's cluster (Alamo) with KVM virtualization technology. The image name is "grid-appliance-2.05.03.gz" and it is available to all FutureGrid users.

    1. Use the Nimbus cloud-client.sh client to deploy a Grid appliance on Alamo:
      ./bin/cloud-client.sh --conf conf/alamo.conf --run --name grid-appliance-2.05.03.gz --hours 24
    2. Wait until Nimbus tells you the machine is running; log into the Grid appliance using ssh, with the IP address given by Nimbus (129.114.x.y in this example):
      ssh root@129.114.x.y
  • Using OpenStack on india
    1. An image with all required packages has been created; it is available to all FutureGrid users in the "india" cloud resource. To deploy the VM, use the command below (replacing "mykey" with your appropriate key)
      euca-run-instances -k mykey ami-00000177
      Check the status of your instance as described in the OpenStack tutorial; once the instance has an IP address, log into it with ssh  (149.165.x.y in this example):
      ssh -i mykey.pem root@149.165.x.y
  • Using OpenStack on sierra
    1. An image with all required packages is also available to all FutureGrid users in the "sierra" cloud resource. To deploy the VM, use the command:
      nova boot --flavor m1.small --image "grid-appliance/grid-appliance-2.05.04" --key_name $LOGNAME-key $LOGNAME-001
      Check the status of your instance as described in the OpenStack tutorial; once the instance has an IP address, log into it with ssh  (10.35.x.y in this example):
      ssh -i .ssh/$LOGNAME-key root@10.35.x.y

Running Tasks - Condor, MPI, Hadoop
  • At this point, you are connected to a Unix shell in the Grid appliance, and can use it to run tasks through Condor, Hadoop or MPI. Follow the steps outlined in the appropriate tutorial(s) found on the main tutorials page