Building the SQL API

Binary Compatibility With SQLite
Enabling Extensions
Building the JDBC Driver
Building the ODBC Driver

SQL support is built as part of the default build on Windows. For information on the build instructions, see Building Berkeley DB for Windows .

The SQL library is built as libdb_sql50.dll in the Release mode or libdb_sql50d.dll in the Debug mode. An SQL command line interpreter called db_sql_shell.exe is also built.

Binary Compatibility With SQLite

Both libdb_sql50.dll and libdb_sql50d.dll are compatible with sqlite3.dll. You can rename libdb_sql50.dll to sqlite3.dll and db_sql_shell.exe to sqlite3.exe, and use these applications as a replacement for the standard SQLite binaries with same names.

Enabling Extensions

The Berkeley DB SQL API provides extensions such as full text search and R-Tree index. To enable these extensions, do the following:

  1. Open the Berkeley DB solution in Visual Studio.
  2. Specify SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 or SQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE in Preprocessor Definitions of the db_sql project.
  3. Re-build the db_sql project.

See the SQLite Documentation for more information on full text search and R-Tree.

Building the JDBC Driver

This section describes the steps to build the JDBC driver.

  1. Configure your build environment. For information on how to configure to build Java applications, see Building the Java API.
  2. Build the SQL project in Debug mode.
  3. Open Visual Studio.
  4. Select File->Add->Existing Project.
  5. Select build_windows/db_sql_jdbc.vcproj and add it to the Berkeley_DB solution. This adds the db_sql_jdbc Visual Studio project to the Berkeley_DB solution file.
  6. Build the db_sql_jdbc project in Visual Studio.

You can test the build by entering the following commands from the db\build_windows\Win32\Debug directory:

javac -cp ".;jdbc.jar" -d . ..\..\..\sql\jdbc\
java -cp ".;jdbc.jar" test3

Building the ODBC Driver

This section describes the steps required to build the ODBC driver.

Configuring Your System

To configure your system prior to building the ODBC driver, do the following:

  1. Download and install the latest SQLite ODBC driver Windows installer package for 32 bit Windows or 64 bit Windows.
  2. Download and install the latest Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) SDK. The MDAC SDK is only required for testing the installation.

Building the Library

  1. Build the SQL project in Release mode. See Building the SQL API.
  2. Open Visual Studio.
  3. Load the Berkeley_DB solution file into Visual Studio.
  4. Set the build target to Release
  5. Build the solution.
  6. Select File->Add->Existing Project.
  7. Select build_windows/db_sql_odbc.vcproj and add it to the Berkeley_DB solution. This adds the db_sql_odbc Visual Studio project to the Berkeley_DB solution file.
  8. Build the db_sql_odbc project. This can be done by right-clicking the db_sql_odbc project in the project explorer panel, and selecting build.

The sqlite3odbc.dll, libdb_sql50.dll and libdb50.dll files are now built.

Installing the Library

Copy the dll files built in the Building the Library section to the Windows system folder.

The Windows system folder is different on different systems, but is often C:\WINDOWS\System32.

Testing the ODBC Install

The steps to verify that the installed driver works are as follows:

  1. Open the Unicode ODBCTest application. On Windows XP: Windows start->Microsoft Data Access SDK 2.8->ODBCTest (Unicode, x86).
  2. Select the Conn->Full Connect... menu item.
  3. Select SQLite3 Datasource and click OK.
  4. Select the Stmt->SQLExecDirect... menu item.
  5. Enter CREATE TABLE t1(x); in the Statement text box and click OK.
  6. Verify that no error messages were output to the error window.