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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Exhibits, Demos & Posters

BioMashups: The New World of Exploratory Bioinformatics?


  • Jiro Sumitomo, Microsoft QUT eResearch Centre, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
  • James M. Hogan, Microsoft QUT eResearch Centre, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
  • Felicity Newell, Microsoft QUT eResearch Centre, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
  • Paul Roe, Microsoft QUT eResearch Centre, Queensland University of Technology, Australia


Bioinformatics is dominated by online databases and sophisticated Web-accessible tools. As such, it is ideally placed to benefit from the rapid, purpose specific combination of services and tools achievable via Web mashups. The recent introduction of a number of sophisticated frameworks has greatly simplified the mashup creation process, making them accessible to scientists with limited programming expertise. We investigate the feasibility of mashups as a new approach to bioinformatic experimentation, focusing on an exploratory niche between interactive Web usage and robust workflows and attempting to identify the range of computations for which mashups may be employed. While we treat each of the major frameworks, we illustrate the ideas with a series of examples developed under the Popfly framework.

Our live mashup examples are accessible via:

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