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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Volunteering & Financial Assistance

Students: Volunteer for e-Science 2008 and receive free registration.

The e-Science 2008 conference planning committee seeks motivated student volunteers from area colleges and universities. Student volunteers will help to make the conference a success while learning about the latest developments in scientific computing and meeting leading scientific technology researchers from around the world. Student volunteers will receive a T-shirt and complimentary conference registration.

Volunteers must be available for two shifts (totaling 4-8 hours) during the conference dates of December 7-12, 2008. Conference volunteers will: provide information to conference attendees; monitor meeting and break rooms; write blog posts about conference sessions; assist with poster sessions and special events.

No special skills are required for most volunteer positions; however, some computer science, science, or technology background is helpful to some positions, as is a knowledge of IUPUI or the IUPUI campus.

To request a volunteer application, contact:

Jennifer Browning, Volunteer Coordinator

brownijl [at] iupui [dot] edu
(317) 278-8152

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