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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Exhibits, Demos & Posters

Indiana CTSI HUB Demonstration


  • William K. Barnett, Information Architectures, Indiana CTSI, Indiana University Medical School Research Technologies, University Information Technology Services, Indiana University


The Indiana CTSI HUB is a medical research virtual organization online portal for the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI). The Indiana University School of Medicine has created Indiana CTSI with the mission to “increase translational research to improve the health (and economy) of the Indiana population.” The Indiana CTSI HUB ( is a statewide resource that supports the full medical research and healthcare delivery cycle as part of a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) to Indiana University and Purdue University. The Indiana CTSI is a statewide initiative, so online resources and tools are critical to providing research collaboration and services, public outreach, and private partnerships to all potential users. The portal is built on the Purdue HUBzero platform, using Joomla and other standards-based Web 2.0 tools. Although the program is only seven months old, the HUB already delivers internal grant management, integrated search of research resources, online education and training, clinical trials information, user contributed and tagged content, content ranking, and a platform for creating and sharing simulations, and access to data repositories and high performance computing resources. These tools will support institutional goals to deliver streamlined research program startup and management, provide a centralized resource for subject recruitment, coordinate access to and use of analytical resources, and provide outreach to the public and industry.

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