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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Exhibits, Demos & Posters

SURA Microsoft Biomedical and Geosciences HPC Pilot


  • Linda Akli, SURA
  • Gary Crane, SURA
  • Brian Hammond, Microsoft, Inc.


In collaboration with Norfolk State University (NSU) and University of Kentucky (UKY), SURA is leading a short-term pilot project to establish a distributed Microsoft high performance computing (HPC) test bed in support of biomedical and geosciences research. The goals of this pilot are to (1) establish a test bed using Microsoft HPC2008, (2) investigate the integration of Microsoft with other HPC environments, and (3) demonstrate the utility of this environment for supporting academic research.  Through the integration of the Microsoft environment with the Globus-based SURAgrid, we hope to broaden the pool of HPC resources available to SURA researchers and to broaden engagement.

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