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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Exhibits, Demos & Posters

Support for Cooperative Experiments in VL-e: From Scientific Workflows to Knowledge Sharing


  • Zhiming Zhao
  • Adam Belloum
  • Marian Bubak
  • Bob Hertzberger


Complex experiments involve distributed scientific data and resources, and require integration between different technologies and expertise from different domains. Grid technology brings the power of many computers and storage systems geographically distributed to scientists.

However, the development of grid-enabled applications requires profound knowledge about grid infrastructure and low-level API-to-grid services, which is difficult for domain scientists. A high-level environment which covers the lifecycle of scientific experiments and enables the cooperative experiments among scientists is thus needed to fill the gap between the required complex infrastructure and the various scientific domains. In this context, a number of research focuses can be highlighted. The VL-e framework supports the design and execution of scientific experiments over a complex and distributed infrastructure, and provides two categories of tools: one for assisting the development and the design of complex experiment, and one for executing and enacting these experiments on a fairly heterogeneous and dynamic infrastructure.

In this demo, we present the usage of the VL-e tools in application
scenarios: for modeling and managing workflow templates, browsing distributed resources, composing and executing application workflows, and integrating with third-party workflow systems.

Acknowledgment: This work was carried out in the context of the Dutch Virtual Laboratory for e-Science project (

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