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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Exhibits, Demos & Posters

Application Hosting Services in a Virtual Organization that Supports Multiple Grid Environments


  • Hitohide Usami, National Institute of Informatics, Grid R&D Center, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Tamagawa University, Biosystems Research Center, Machida-city, Tokyo, Japan
  • H. Kanazawa, Fujitsu Limited, Computational Science Center, Mihama-ku, Chiba, Japan


The National Research Grid Initiative (NAREGI) project conducted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT) finished in FY2007. The NAREGI grid middleware Ver.1.0 (RPM packaging version), which was the results of the research and development, was delivered on May 9, 2008. Several Japanese national supercomputer centers had installed and developed management tools for the grid operation. The National Institute of Informatics (NII) established a support organization called the Grid Operation Center (GOC) for the smooth deployment of the NAREGI middleware to customers. On the other hand, a new small project, “the Japan e–Science,” has been started. The Japan e–Science is a four-year project that will continue until the end of FY2011 and its main activity is the extension of the NAREGI grid middleware for using laboratory level resources, for example, small cluster machines, experimental equipments, or sensor equipments in a laboratory. We had developed NAREGI-PSE (Problem Solving Environments) on the NAREGI project. This time, we are developing the NAREGI–PSE extensions for supporting the multiple grid environments and application hosting services (AHS) under the new e–Science project. AHS provides application catalog information for the applications in the multiple grid environments that are deployed in heavy duty grid environments (using NAREGI middleware) and lightweight laboratory-level grid environments (using GridSAM middleware) to users. In addition, community members can co–share applications in community created by grid virtual organization (VO).

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