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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Exhibits, Demos & Posters

Bio-Sense: A System for Supporting Sharing and Exploration in Bioinformatics Using Semantic Web Services


  • Athman Bouguettaya, CSIRO ICT Centre, Canberra, Australia
  • Mark Hepburn, CSIRO ICT Centre, Hobart, Australia
  • Qing Liu, CSIRO ICT Centre, Hobart, Australia
  • Kai Xu, CSIRO ICT Centre, Hobart, Australia
  • Ji Zhang, CSIRO ICT Centre, Hobart, Australia


With a fast-paced development of bioinformatics in recent years, we have witnessed a rapid growth of the number of databases and tools available for aiding in scientific research and knowledge discovery for bioinformaticians. Web service is an enabling technique to facilitate bioinformaticians in this discovery process by integrating the databases and tools. In this paper, we will propose a novel system, called Bio-Sense (acronym of Semantic Enhancement for Sharing and Exploration in Bioinformatics), for colorectal cancer research using semantic Web services. Bio-Sense has the following distinct characteristics and can cope with the limitations of the existing systems:

  1. Bio-Sense is built in an enriched multilayer structure to support the lifecycle of services (including the generation, description, discovery, composition, execution, and optimization of services);
  2. External or local biological databases are converted to services in Bio-Sense to facilitate organization-wide data sharing;
  3. Bio-Sense is built based on the WSMO/WSMX framework due to its potential to realize semantic service description, automatic service discovery, composition, and execution; and
  4. Bio-Sense supports interactive service composition with recommendation. Bio-Sense is able to recommend full-length workflows based on the workflows that have been constructed thus far. Workflow recommendation is obviously more informative and useful from users’ perspective than service recommendation.

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