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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Exhibits, Demos & Posters

Adding Standards-based Job Submission to a Commodity Grid Broker


  • David Colling, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
  • Stephen McGough, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
  • Jazz Mack Smith, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
  • Vesso Novov, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
  • Tiejun Ma, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
  • David Wallom, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
  • Xin Xiong, University of Oxford, United Kingdom


Grid standards have evolved over recent years to provide common ways to describe both tasks that people want executing, the resources where these may execute, and the definitions of the interfaces between. As this basic level of the infrastructure becomes more commoditized the users and resource providers’ there is an increasing desire for an automatic mechanism for resource discovery and hence to find the best possible combination of tasks and resources. This can be achieved through the use of a grid brokering service or meta-scheduler. The Condor matchmaker provides a powerful mechanism for matching both users requirements and resource providers requirements in such a manner that not only is a paring selected which satisfies both but is optimized for performance over the whole system. However, existing grid brokers, such as Condor, do not use the new standards. This has made the Condor system a good choice for use as a meta-scheduler within the grid. Integrating Condor within a wider grid context is possible but only through modification to the Condor source code. Here we describe how the (grid) standards for job submission and resource descriptions can be integrated into the Condor system to allow arbitrary grid resources, which support these standards to be brokered through Condor.

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