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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Exhibits, Demos & Posters

Enabling Data Transport between Web Services through Alternative protocols and Streaming


  • Spiros Koulouzis, Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam
  • Edgar Meij, Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam
  • M. Scott Marshall, Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam
  • Adam Belloum, Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam


As Web services gain acceptance in the e-Science community, some of their shortcomings have begun to appear. A significant challenge is to find reliable and efficient methods to transfer large data between Web services. This paper describes the problem of scalable data transport between Web services and proposes a solution: the development of a modular server/client library that uses SOAP as a control channel while the actual data transport is accomplished by various protocol implementation. Apart from file transport, the proposed approach offers the facility of direct data streaming between Web services, an approach that could benefit workflow execution time by creating a data pipeline between Web services. Finally, the performance and usability of this library is evaluated, under the indexing application that the Adaptive Information Disclosure Application (AIDA) Toolkit offers as a Web service.

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