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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Exhibits, Demos & Posters

Hydrological Sensor Web for the South Esk Catchment in the Tasmanian State of Australia


  • Siddeswara Mayura Guru, CSIRO Tasmanian ICT Centre, Australia
  • Peter Taylor, CSIRO Tasmanian ICT Centre, Australia
  • Holger Neuhaus, CSIRO Tasmanian ICT Centre, Australia
  • Yanfeng Shu, CSIRO Tasmanian ICT Centre, Australia
  • Daniel Smith, CSIRO Tasmanian ICT Centre, Australia
  • Andrew Terhorst, CSIRO Tasmanian ICT Centre, Australia


The Sensor Web is a distributed sensing system in which information is shared globally. The emergence of this technology will enable the integration of different sensing platforms with temporal and spatial variability. This has the potential to revolutionize hydrological monitoring and forecasting. Our project will establish a Sensor Web test bed in the South Esk River Catchment, which is located in the North East of Tasmania, Australia. The test bed will allow us to evaluate the emerging Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards and specifications for Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) and provide a research platform for developing next-generation hydrological and water resource management tools. We intend to use short-term river flow forecasting as our use case for the SWE test bed. We detail the hydrological Sensor Web architecture and the research issues that will have direct impact on the development of this system. The research areas include: semantic integration, scientific workflows, and data-driven modeling. Currently, we are deploying sensors in the field and developing SWE Web services. We have successfully published data available from Department of Primary Industries and Water to a Web client via Sensor Observation Service, which is an OGC standard interface to retrieve observation data from sensors.

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