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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Exhibits, Demos & Posters

An Interactive Multimedia Web Editor


  • Christine Lin, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
  • Fei-pi Chu, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
  • Hsiang-An Wang, Institute of Information Science, Taiwan
  • Ju-Chung Ko, National Taiwan University


Nowadays many people produce personal Web pages, and most Web pages contain multimedia content. However, there are some problems with the design of Web content, the Web editor provided by Web pages is very inconvenient. There also exists the inconsistent problem on Web content when the content had been accessed. To resolve these problems, we propose a multimedia online editing technique that enables users to edit Web content and add comments online. In addition, Web content on different Web sites can be easily accessed by our system. The original Web content that is accessed can be updated at the same time so that both versions are the same. The proposed system can also be used to e-learning. This function helps people who produce abundance and a large number of teaching materials, and it facilitates interaction and communication among users

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