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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Exhibits, Demos & Posters

Monitoring and Managing E-Science Cyberinfrastructures, A Case Study


  • Srinath Perera, School of Informatics, Indiana University
  • Suresh Marru, School of Informatics, Indiana University
  • Dennis Gannon, School of Informatics, Indiana University


Due to their scale, complexity, and dynamic nature, e-Science cyberinfrastructures have raised major system management challenges. It has been argued that employing system management frameworks to monitor and control large-scale systems is a possible solution to address these challenges. This paper presents an application of a management framework, known as Hasthi (Sanskrit name of "elephant," which represents robustness), to manage an e-Science project called Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD). Hasthi is a generic framework that manages a system according to rules written by administrators, where rules define how Hasthi should respond to changes and failures. Using LEAD as an example, we demonstrate how such extensible management framework can be utilized to manage a complex system, while describing common problems and solutions.

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