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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Exhibits, Demos & Posters

Provenance Collection in an Industry Biochemical Discovery Cyberinfrastructure


  • Bin Cao, Indiana University
  • Girish Subramanian, Indiana University
  • Sribabu Doddapaneni, Indiana University
  • Beth Plale, Indiana University


Workflows are an accepted approach for constructing computational scientific experiments. Provenance capture during workflow execution captures the creation history of datasets. This record is essential to the long-term preservation and reuse of the data, and to making determinations of its quality. We are applying provenance collection to the open-source Life Science Grid (LSG) using the Karma tool, and extending the information with semantic information using S-OGSA. The project raises interesting challenges in instrumentation, annotation, and visualization of provenance data.

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