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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Exhibits, Demos & Posters

Stereoscopic Visualization of Scientific and Medical Content for Education


  • Albert William, Indiana University School of Informatics at IUPUI


The Indiana University School of Informatics has created many educational animations depicting health and life sciences for audiences as diverse as elementary school age children, to some of the top oncologists and physicians in the world. This content is produced using dynamic high quality computer generated animations and video to engage users in a new way of learning material that traditionally has been difficult to experience.

This presentation will be displayed on a portable John E Box and will show a number of stereoscopic animations including subjects such as The Cell, The Nervous System, The Immune System, What is Cancer, Diabetes, and The Respiratory System. Also displayed will be content created for the simulation of Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery, and simulations of real-world data of biological macro-molecules.

Problems that are being addressed through our research and development include how best to communicate and illustrate complex scientific subjects, technical issues pertaining to high quality rendering and networking, hardware and software issues with stereoscopic playback, and optimization of video for stereoscopic display. Assessment of the efficacy of these learning programs is also ongoing.

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