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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Call for Participation

Exhibits, Demos & Posters

Important Dates:

  • Proposals Due (extended deadline): October 21, 2008
  • Notification of Acceptance: October 28, 2008
  • Final Versions Due: October 31, 2008

The e-Science 2008 conference will include a session and reception for the presentation of posters and research demonstrations. Each poster or demo will focus on an e-Science project that can be better communicated as a poster or demo than as a paper. We invite submissions of both posters and research demonstrations.

In addition, we invite research exhibitors who have material, presentations, or demonstrations that they would like to make available.

Research exhibits and posters will be available for the duration of the conference, and research demos will be available during the conference reception. All three will be held in the same space.

An extended abstract of each poster, exhibit, and demo should be submitted for a limited peer review and should adhere to the following submission requirements:

  • 2 pages long
  • Single-spaced, double column text in 10-point font
  • 8.5 x 11 inch pages
  • PDF format

Accepted extended abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings, and the short abstract for each will be posted on the conference Web site. Additionally, a blog entry will be provided for each, and a video crew will record selected posters, demos, and exhibits. Authors of accepted abstracts will be required to sign a release for the recording of these videos.

Please send abstracts for research posters, demos, and exhibits by e-mail with a subject line containing one of the following: “e-Science Poster Submission,” “e-Science Demo Submission,” or “e-Science Exhibit Submission.”

Send the abstract as a single attachment to:

Daniel S. Katz
d [dot] katz [at] ieee [dot] org

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