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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Main Conference Sessions

ARCHER: An Enabler of Research Data Management


  • Anthony Beitz, Monash University
  • Andrew Treloar, Monash University
  • Ashley Buckle, Monash University
  • David Groenewegen, Monash University
  • Nick Nicholas, Link Affiliates
  • Ian Atkinson, James Cook University


With new scientific instruments growing exponentially in their capability to generate research data, new infrastructure needs to be developed and deployed to allow researchers to effectively and securely manage their research data from collection to publication. In particular, researchers need to be able to easily acquire data from instruments, store and manage potentially large quantities of data, easily process the data, share research resources and work spaces with colleagues both inside and outside of their institution, search and discover across their accessible collections, and easily publish datasets and related research artifacts. The ARCHER Project has developed production-ready generic e-Research infrastructure including: a Research Repository; Scientific Dataset Managers (both a Web and desktop application); Distributed Integrated Multi-Sensor and Instrument Middleware; and a Collaborative Workspace Environment. Institutions can selectively deploy these components to greatly assist their researchers in managing their research data.

Date and Time

Thursday, December 11, 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Room Number


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