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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Main Conference Sessions

Towards an Acoustic Environmental Observatory


  • Richard Mason, QUT
  • Paul Roe, QUT
  • Michael Towsey, QUT
  • Jinglan Zhang, QUT
  • Jennifer Gibson, QUT
  • Stuart Gage, MSU


The need for large scale environmental monitoring to manage environmental change is well established. Ecologists have long used acoustics as a means of monitoring the environment in their field work, and so the value of an acoustic environmental observatory is evident. However, the volume of data generated by such an observatory would quickly overwhelm even the most fervent scientist using traditional methods. In this paper we present our steps towards realizing a complete acoustic environmental observatory (i.e., a cohesive set of hardware sensors, management utilities, and analytical tools required for large scale environmental monitoring). We include concrete examples of the elements involved and discuss their use in a pilot program monitoring a rare bird.

Date and Time

Wednesday, December 10, 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Room Number


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